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Quick life update since I last told you about cutting my mum out of my life.

So, she texted me yesterday morning, telling me that if I didn't want her in my life, she wasn't going to pay for my phone bill or my Netflix which I hadn't expected her or wanted her to either so I told her it was fine...

Then not even an hour later, she sends me this text; "do you want to go play mini golf together tomorrow?"

Like, what does she think?

I said no of course.

Anyway, enjoy the small chapter of Dahlia and George!


When I woke up, George was indeed not there, and neither was the children.

So I decided to take a shower. A very long and hot shower to get completely clean and also use some of the time to think.

When I finished my shower, I got dressed into the most comfortable I could find which ended up being one of my loose shorts and one of George's black hoodies.

When I walked into the kitchen, I walked to the counter to see what was on the plate that stood out.

It was a pancake with blueberries making eyes, a strawberry as the nose and a piece of bacon as a mouth, making it smile.

I chuckled at it, then picked up the note in front of it.

Good morning gorgeous. I hope you slept well. I made you breakfast so that you remember to eat. I'll be back soon. Remember to relax today. Enjoy the pancake.

P.s. there's syrup in the fridge.

P.s.s. I love you :)

- George

I couldn't stop smiling at the note. He had also drawn a few hearts around his message.

I found the syrup and sat down to eat, once again thinking over everything that happened last night.

I ended up dissociating halfway through eating my pancake and it wasn't until I heard the front door open that I was pulled back to reality.

George entered the flat, eyes landing on me as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey." He smiled. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really great, actually." I nodded. "And the pancake with the smiley face and the note really made my morning."

George let out a breathy chuckle as he walked over and placed a hand on the back of my chair, leaning down to kiss me but I moved away, holding the fork in front of my mouth.

"I'm eating."

"So?" He asked. "That means I can't kiss you?"

"It's disgusting. What if I was currently eaten a rotten egg?"

George frowned.

"Like on purpose or—"

"Does it matter?"

"Well I would still want to kiss you but why would you eat a rotten egg?"

I shrugged and George chuckled, staring at my lips.

"Just kiss me, will you?"

I smiled as I lifted my chin so that I could kiss him.

George smiled in satisfaction of getting his kiss, stepping back to lean against the counter.

"Do you want to talk about last night?" He asked. "Everything that happened with Malcolm?"

I looked down at the pancake.

"I think he was stressed to the point where he was depressed." I said. "The divorce... us fighting about custody and then his brother—"

It was still so hard for me to say out loud what Jeremy had done to my daughter. It disgusted me to the core and I wanted to throw up just thinking about it.

"I meant you." George said, causing me to look at him. "Honestly, I don't give a damn about how Malcolm has been feeling, but I do want to know how you felt during it. Last night you said it was like being back in your marriage."

I took a deep breath before letting out a chuckle.

"When we were married and he'd get drunk... you already know he'd take it out on me, but I had this secret phone under one of the floor boards and whenever I got scared, I'd grab it and hide in the bathroom with the girls to call Inez while Malcolm would yell and throw things. Last night, when I tried to call for someone, he grabbed my phone and smashed it against the wall so I had to use that extra phone and hide in the bathroom while he banged his fist against the door and yelled for me to open it. My regular phone was completely smashed and I had to use reparo on it without the muggles seeing it."

I looked at George again.

"And now I have to tell my girls that their father has gone away for a while and that I have no idea when they'll see him again... I don't know how to do that."

George pushed himself away from the counter and approached me, grabbing a chair, spinning it around before he straddled it, resting his arms over the back of it.

"And how am I supposed to act like I don't completely loathe him for what he tried to pull?" I asked before he got to say anything. "And at the same time, I don't even hate him because I know he's depressed and he has been most of his life. He was brought up by a father who beat him when he was drunk, so he became his father."

I took a deep breath, realising how fast I was talking.

"I don't think he's that bad of a person." I admitted. "I just don't think he's been offered the right help yet, but now he'll be able to get that. I just hope he'll accept it, because Elsie and Leah needs him."

George reached forward to place his hand on mine, comforting me as he stroke his thumb over my skin.

"I'll still hate him." He said, causing me to let out a small laugh. "After all, he did hurt you on multiple occasions, and he doesn't deserve the way you think about him, but you're a good person, Dia. And regarding the girls, you could tell them that he's sick and needs some help to get better. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just tell it to them in a way that they will understand without upsetting them."

I hummed and looked down at the table, but George let go of my hand to place a few fingers on the side of my jaw, turning my head to make me look at him.

"Maybe you can even take them to visit him sometime when he's done some progress." He said, offering a smile of comfort. "I am so fucking sorry that you had to go through that last night. If it's something that's really taken a toll, I'd suggest you speak to your therapist about it next week, yeah?"

"Yeah." I breathed, eating some more of the pancake before once again looking at George. "You're really good at cooking, you know."

He chuckled and stood up, pushing his chair back under the table.

"I don't want to leave but I have to be downstairs in five minutes to let Ron in so we can get ready for work."

I nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll finish breakfast, do the dishes and read a book."

"Okay." He leaned down for another kiss. "My break is around noon and then we can eat lunch together."


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