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I stared into my wardrobe as I waited for George to pick up the phone.

Today was a big day.

I was joining George for this get-together for all the students in his year. It's been sixteen years since they graduated and Lee decided to celebrate it with some sort of party.

"Hi gorgeous." George's voice made me smile as he picked up the phone. "Excited for today?"

"Super!" I responded enthusiastically. "It's just... what do I wear?"

"What do you mean?"

I frowned.

"What can it mean, George? What do I wear? It's as simple as that. I don't know the appropriate clothing for me to wear tonight."

I heard him chuckle and just the sound of that made my heart melt.

"Stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?"


"Why can't I laugh, Dahlia?"

"Because it's hot and it makes me want to get on my knees for you but I can't do that right now so..."

He laughed again and I rolled my eyes back into my scull, mouthing a 'fuck.'

"George." I whined, walking back over to my bed. I sat down, then laid down and stared at the ceiling. "Tell me what to wear and I'll wear it."

"Knickers and a bra?"

I snorted.

"Ha... funny. If that was the case, I wouldn't have to change anything about what I'm wearing right now."

"Oh really? You're only wearing knickers and a bra right now?"

"Yes." I bit down on my lip. "That dark red lace bra and the matching thong."

"Nothing else?"

"No." I smiled, brushing my fingers over my stomach. "I'm quite horny if I have to be honest."

"Is that so?"

"I need you."



"Yes, beautiful?"

"Come over."

I moved my hand down my stomach and brushed my pinky across the waistband, letting out a heavy breath.

"Did me laughing make you that horny?"

"Have you heard yourself laugh?" I asked. "And your voice is really raspy right now."

"My voice is raspy?"

His voice was now much more clear, coming from somewhere in the room. I turned my head in the direction and saw him stand not far from the bed.

"You sneaky bastard."

I hung up the phone and threw it next to me, smiling at George who approached the bed.

He leaned down and placed a hand on either side of me, repaying the smile. Without saying anything, he leaned down to kiss me while I ran a hand into his hair.

I wrapped my legs around his hips, trying to push him closer to me, needing to feel him against me.

"Please." I whimpered against his lips. "Need you."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now