The return

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After a flight back to Wrangler Pointe and driving all the way back to NYU. We all were exhausted. I went back to my dorm, where my roommate was sitting at her desk studying. "If it isn't little miss book worm." I said entering. "Why haven't I gotten a new roommate yet?" she asked. "Where do you want these?" Nash entered, carrying my bags. "I'll take them, you need to get some sleep." I took the bags form him. "You know I can't sleep, without a kiss." he pulled my hips against his. "But, I really can't sleep without..." My roommate cleared her throat, "I really don't mean to interrupt, but if you could before the two of you go at it like a couple of animals. I'm still here." she said. "Well, hello to you too." Nash said. sitting on the end of her desk. I could tell, it was torturing her with him sitting there. "So, we've got some books on the ocean and animals." Nash assessed her textbooks. "Marine biology major, right he leaned down and asked her. he had a big stupid grin on his face. My boyfriend the harmless flirt, and only to girls that would do anything about it. She turned around to face me, "I really think that the two of you should resume your conversation." she said. "Nash, come here." he walked over to me. "Terri this is Nash, my boyfriend. Nash this it Terri, my roommate." I introduced them. "Hi, I'm from New Orleans. Where are you from?" He asked her. She just blushed, and ran to the bathroom. "Why do you have to be so mean?" I asked him. "I was being friendly." he felt offended. "Will you go get some sleep, please. I'll see you in the morning." I kissed him and pushed him out the door. "Terri, he's gone." I shouted to her. She slowly emerged from the bathroom. "Terri, I'm sorry about that." I apologized. "He's really sweet, but a jerk sometimes." I said. "I thought that Scott Stryker was you're boyfriend." she said. I realized that me and Terri had some holes to fill in. "We broke up before break." I said laying on the small futon we had. "Oh, why? I heard about the engineering lab." she said. "He cheated on me, so I dumped him." I said she quickly checked her computer. "Look at this." she waved me over to look the screen. "There was a poll put up before break about the hottest people on campus. You won by a landslide." she said. "This is going to cause so many problems." I said.

"How? You're with Nash now." she was confused. "Nash, just came to New York with me, he's not going to school here." I said. "That is a problem." she agreed. We agreed that Nash, being my boyfriend would stay between us, until something I happened. I was curious to see where this would go.


I woke up this morning, and checked my mail. One benefit of having co-ed dorms, is seeing if anyone would talk to me in light of the breakup. "Hey, there." a guy said to my in batman pajama bottoms. "Hi." I responded. He seemed nice, but he just didn't seem interested in me. "You, me dinner tonight." he said, but it was really like he demanded it. "I already have plans." I walked away from him. "Come on, sweet cheeks." he begged. "Look, I'm not interested. Okay." I stormed away. "You don't know what you're missing." he yelled. I went back to my dorm room. "What just happened?" Terri asked. "A random guy just hit on me." I headed to go brush my teeth. I put on a black shirt, and one of Nash's sweatshirts with a pair of blue jeans and headed to my 8 o'clock class.

About a half hour before, some random sports jocks sat around me. "Can I help you?" I asked them. "Well, doll you good give me whatever gave the QB the hots for ya." one boy said. He short blonde hair and green eyes. "You really don't want that." I stood up to change my seat. "Yes, I do." he pulled be back down. He came in close to me and whispered in my ear, "I want everything, he had and didn't get." he trailed his hand up my leg. I grabbed his hand, broke his wrist and bashed his face against the metal lab table. "That's what he got, and some of what he didn't." I said getting up and switching tables.

All throughout class, the mystery boy and his goons stared at me. I guess playing single is more stressful than fun. I texted Nash to meet me in front of the building after my class. In no time, the professor dismissed class and I was free from the stares of boys wishing to use me for sport.

"Hey, Starlight." Nash said when he say me. "Hey, Duke." I kissed him. I was really happy to see him. "Hey, I don't know what your doing, but lay off my girl." the same guy stomped over. "I don't get it." Nash said. "Well, I happen to be the hottest single girl on campus, pre-break." I said Nash looked at me, he understood. "And this guy hit on you and you broke his wrist and nose." Nash said. I just smiled. "That's my girl." Nash kissed my forehead. "Dude, I said lay off." the guy demanded, snatching Nash back. "You really shouldn't have done that." I said. But it was too late, him and Nash were fighting and it seemed like Nash was winning, until the rest if the guys jumped in. "MJ, what's going on?" Scott ran up next to me. "Can't you see, the population of boys at this school have no idea how to act around a southern girl." I said. "I already made the call." Scott jumped into the fight. I am truly amazed at this schools fight policy, its nonexistent. I couldn't let them fight six guys, so I jumped in too. I was caught, by the rest of our friends, Carr, Fonz, Warner and Garth jumped in. I stood off to the side with Brax and Marcy. "I can't just watch this." I said. "Mav, clam down. The fight is over you." Marcy said. "I can't take it." I said and jumped into the fight.

I through punch after punch, fighting my way through boy after boy. "She isn't yours can't you see that." Nash said, punching the leader in the face. "You'll leave her at peace, or you'll have me to deal with." he dropped the guys partly consensus body on the ground.

We left for Nash's apartment, partly beaten and bruised. He didn't even talk to me, the entire way. "I hope I'm not the only one who feels the awkward tension." Carr said, as we all entered the apartment. "I can believe that, you wouldn't tell me about that." Nash exploded at me. "You always live way to close to the cliff." he continued. I just stood there and took it, I deserved it and not just from him, from everyone. My rebellious curiosity has always gotten someone hurt. "What were you thinking? That this would be fun, don't you know how many crazy people are out there?" he yelled and threw things around the apartment. The guys tried to calm him down, "Just stop." I said. "He won't listen." I hurt him, and this time he's really going to need some space. "I'm going." I shouted at him. He didn't stop his rant. "I'm gone." I slammed the door behind me. I almost bursted into tears right there, but I would allow anyone the satisfaction of seeing the bad girl of campus, balling her eyes out over a guy, even if he means the world to me.

I ran back to my dorm, and luckily it was raining, so no one saw me crying. I bursted into the dorm room, crying. "Maverick!" Terri cried out. "What happened?" she sat on the floor next to me as I cried. I didn't say anything, so much for TGIF. This had to be the worst week ever.


I woke up today, with puffy red eyes and missed texts and calls from all of my friends. I listened to the messages and responded to the texts. I put on some workout clothes and headed to the gym. Just to blow off some steam.

Before I could leave, there was a knock at the door. "Sunshine, come on. I know you're in there." it was Garth, coming to checkup on me. "Go away." I yelled at him. "Sunshine! I promise that I'm not going to yell at you." he said. I opened the door. "I'm not here to ask if you're okay either." he unfolded his arms. I opened the door and let him in. "He's been asking about you." Garth sat down on the futon. "So, it's been less than a day." I pouted. "Hell, you want me to completely honest." he opened his phone, showing me a text. "I don't care what he has to say. I screwed up and he made that perfectly clear. "Read the text." Garth demanded.

I took the phone from his hand, and read the text.

Nash: She'll never take me back

Garth: She will

Nash: Why did I yell at her like that? :'(

Garth: the only reason you yelled is because she jumped into the fight. but you know she can't resist.

I couldn't help but smile a little, since it was true.

Nash: I just hope that she doesn't hate me enough to breakup with me, I don't know what I would do.

Garth: you broke up with her, but she left before you got that far into yourself.

Nash: Nooooooooooooo! I couldn't have. She's my whole world.

That was the end. "He almost hit the emergency Jack this morning." Garth said. "I can't keep doing this to him." I put my hands over my face. Garth just laughed. "The two of you having been doing this since you were six, there's no changing now." he said giving me a hug."Hey, roomie!" Terri entered. "I didn't realize that, you had company." she said. "Well, I didn't know that your roommate was as golden as the Alabama sun." Garth said. Terri just blushed. "Let me go, before my bestfriend kills himself." Garth said. "It was nice meeting you Terri." he kissed her on the cheek.

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