A long drive HOME

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I woke up early this morning. I noticed that I was still in my clothes from last night, and Scott had fallen asleep in a chair, he looked so uncomfortable but so cute.

I changed into my sweatpants and a Nirvana tank top. I loaded mine and Hayley's things into the Jeep. Scott seemed to sleep forever in that chair. I decided to call my boys to let them know what has gone on and that I was on my way home.

"Mavy!" Rocket yelled through the phone. 

"Hey, Rocky! You know that boy he beat you up,..." I said. 

"He's your new boyfriend, isn't he?" Rocket was always the smart one. 

"Yes, he is. You were right, he's not too bad." I said.

"See you soon, Mavy." he said before hanging up the phone.

"Stupid chair!" I heard a deep raspy voice say. 

"Ugh! Mh, Hey there?" he said to me. 

"Hey sleepy head." I said kissing him on his forehead. 

"Come on, I want to beat the morning traffic!" Hayley banged on the door. Scott's quickly pulled himself out of the chair, grabbing my wrist. 

"Stay! Stay here, with me." he said. 

I stepped closer to him, "Oh, I want to. But I have to go. I have school, my family." I said holding his face in my hands. He looked sad, like he was going to cry.

"Come on!!" Hayley nagged. 

"We've got to get back tonight, unless you're boyfriend is going to write us a note." she yelled. I kissed him one more time before leaving, this one was slow and lingering. 

"I love you." he told me. 

"I love you too. " I said before leaving him alone in that hotel room.


This was one of the longest car rides I had ever had, I let Hayley drive. I couldn't stop thinking about my week and a half in Baltimore, the parties, the people, the one and only Scott Stryker.

I thought about him the whole way home, and how bad I wanted to stay with him.

We got to my house at about 3 a.m. just enough time to sleep for school. We unloaded my Jeep and as Hayley headed home, I entered a swatted living area, nearly tripping over work boots, football and baseball cleats, and a box big enough to hold a small boy.

I put my things in my room and noticed that I had a text message from an unknown number, the message read: 


I knew of no one else who would, do such a thing. I finished my shower and put on my pajamas when my phone started ringing, when I looked at it, it was Hayley. 

I answered the phone sluggishly, she was crying, "Mavy, I'm really sorry, but can I come over for the night. " she wept. 

"Sure. Come on over." I said. 

"You're such a great friend." she said sniffing.

Hayley was back sooner than I thought, she said her mom kicked her out. Knowing her, it's true Hayley and her mom are always at each other's throats.

Hayley slept on the couch in my room. She was asleep before me. But only because I had another phone call, Scott. His strong low tone was soothing, but he was telling me something, but before I knew it, I was sleeping in my windowsill. Thinking about, Baltimore.

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