A Race vs. A Bitch. Who will win?

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Scott stromed out of the pits, most likely out of jealousy. "Mavy, I wish you would truly introdue us to the cowboy, before you start to sucking on him like a lollipop." Hayley said. "Uh.." Nash just stood there with a confused look. "Hayley, I'm just the mechanic." I said to her. she let out an angry huff, "You're my best frined too." she hugged me. I wasn't prepared for that. "I really missed you." she whispered. "I missed you too." I said to her. "See girls being girls, just like the old days." Carr said. "Just becasue, my accents back and I'm the town badass, doesn't mean Im heartless." I said to him. "So you gonna introduce us or not?" Nash asked. I laughed a little, "Well, after I left here my family moved to Virginia." "Where you met the red." Garth stepped in. "Yes." Hayley blushed. "About 6 months ago, I met the guys, Jasper." I motioned toward each boy. "It's Jaz, and the red is mine." Jaz said protectively. "Carson, Grayson and Alfonzo." "Carr." "Grayson, will due." "Fonz." they all siad. "I'm Scott." Scott said pushing through our friends. "Nice to meet you Nash, wasn't it." "Nice to meet you to."Nash wasn't sure why Scott was trying to yell at me with his eyes, but I sure did. "But, there's really no time for casualties. I've got a race to win." Scott said putting on his helmet and sliding into the stock car. "I never tough I could be in a stock car, unless I was stealing it." he laughed, followed by him winking at me. Scott pulled off to meet the rest of the racers at the starting line.

"What about me? Don't I get to meet the cute boy, with the southern draw?" Becky squealed. "If I didn't know any better, I would say she squeals like Old man Richardson's newborn pig." Garth laughed, as did everyone but Becky. "But I know better." he finished. "To bad I don't." Nash said. "Who is that anyway?" Garth asked. "I can't believe that you didn't even mention me." she said. "I'm Becky. Scott's girlfriend." "You're not his girlfriend." Fonz interrupted. "You ruined the best relationship he ever had and now, you want to stomp all over it." Carr continued. "Sorry to break up this total hate fest on the new girl but, we've got a problem." Rocket rushed over. "He's getting beat up bad." "Holy shit!" Nash said. I grabbed a headset, "Would you pull in so we can tape you up really quick, and you need new tires." I told him. "Thanks for asking, princess." he said. He pulled into the pits on his return after the lap, he'd gone from last to 10th in a matter of minutes. "Garth, Nash tire change." I instructed. "Get him some water, somebody. But make sure it's not Becky." Everyone raced into action. Garth and Nash changed the tires, in less than forty seconds. I gassed up the car, Fonz got him water, and he was off in the race again.


At the end of the race, Scott pulled back into the pits, "So, how was your first paid race?" I asked. "I really think that it was alot better since you're here." he said. "Well, I think this calls for a celebration." Hayley said. "Is there anywhere we can get a drink in this town?" Grayson said. "Yeah there's a bar on main street." Garth said. "I work there and I'm late." I said. "I'll give you a lift." Nash said. "Thanks babe." I kissed him. "But we gotta hurry, Marty will fry me." I said taking off the jumpsuit. "What are you wearing?" Hayley asked. I was concequently wearing a tank top and some old cut off jean shorts. "I really don't see what's wrong with it." I said turning around. "I like this new you." Hayley said. "Thanks." I said. "Am I going to fry you, or is Marty?" Nash asked, leaning against the door frame, now shirtless. "Hey Cowboy." Becky walked toward him. "Hey Piggy." he said. "Babe, lets go. The county rodeo, won't be in town for another six weeks, but if you want me to practice." he said. "Don't hog tie the piggy." I said. "I'll see you guys at the bar." "Hold up! I didn't get your name, bro." Scott said. "It's Nash." he said. "Nash Bond." "Well, Nash Bond. I'm Scott Stryker." Scott said. They shook hands. "Would you mind if I took her to work, for you?" Scott asked. "That's not my decision to make." Nash stepped out of the way, letting Scott pass. "Mind if I take you to work?" he asked. "No problem." I said, then I kissed Nash goodbye.

**In Scott's car**

"You know you're still the onlyperson, who has ever rode in this car." he said. I ignored him, "Take a left." "Come on Mavy. I'm sorry. Will you ever forgive me?" he begged. "Let's se, we met first because you beat up my brother, the second time i was there to watch as you gor bailed out of jail, then we date for three months over the phone, showed up at my house, left two days later, with the girls who is now Carr's girlfriend. Then things finally settle down, we go to college, and then just as we turn the corner, you sleep with the girl you help me take down. Scott I really just don't get you." I said. He looked guilty and jealous. "What about Nash, you get him?" he huffed. "Nash Bond, is probably the greatest guy ever." I said. We pulled up infront of the bar. "Why are you with that guy?" Scott asked me. "Because he likes me for me. He's my oldest friend, and he trulty would never hurt me." I said to him, getting out the car and slaming the door.


I swung open the door, "Hey, there lil' Darling." Marty said to me as I walked in. "Marty, I know I'm late, and don't start with me." I said. "Then, you wouldn't be late." Marty said. "Fine, I'll do a double-shift tonight." I said. "I'm a winner." Marty walked away waving around his crossword puzzle book. I bussed twelve tables, and served 83 drinks until..., "Would you calm down, it's no big deal?" Scott yelled. "No, I won't calm down. Let me ride in your stupid car." Becky yelled back. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, guys calm down." Fonz said. "Come on, you guys are being loud." Garth said. "Man, step off." Scott yelled. I put on my stinson, and told Jenna to hold down the bar. I headed outside to avert a potential crisis. "Alright, so what's going on out here?" I asked. "Great, now the small town slut is here." Becky said. "Hey, don't insult her!" Nash yelled. "Scott defend me." Becky cried. "Nope!" Scott checked his oil. "Would you all calm down." Garth said. "Would you all shut up!" Haley yelled. Everyone was stark quiet. "God, we came here to get some drinks and so that I could catch up with my friend. Not a scream fest, with my friends, two new hot guys and the whining bitch of the west." Hayley said. "Look, let's get inside and have some drinks." I said. "Good idea." Fonz said, going inside. "Everybody in, now." Nash instructed. Everyone filed inside. "Thanks for wrangling the bitch." Scott kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, Babe." I kissed Nash. "No problem, babe." he said pressing his forehead against mine. "Let's go before your frineds kill each other." he said rubbing my nose.

I couldn't believe that I was with Nash, and that it was the best relationship I had been in a long time.

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