Cowboys and Angels

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I am lying in the bed of Patrick Bravo, staring at his sleeping face. He seemed to a heavy sleeper, which allowed me to sneak out. I put on all my clothes and carry my shoes out with me. I call Scott to come get me, because calling Nash would be out of the question.


"Looks like somebody did the walk of shame." Scott said picking me up. "Whatever." I said, getting in the car. He drops me off at my apartment. And I try my best to avoid everyone today. It's Saturday, so maybe it'll work. I get to my apartment, Terri and Garth are asleep on the couch, Nico is in his room, so I slump off to mine and curl up by myself. Then there's a pounding sound at my door, but I'm so tired that I can barely stand, but the pounding continues. I stumble to the door, where Nash stands sleep and worried is all I get from his expression. "Tell me." he mumbles. I stare quizzically at him, "Tell me what he did to you." Nash held me tightly wrapped in his arms. "I think I slept with him." I said. "Well, I really don't think that's a reason for me to be mad, you were drunk, you don't even remember." he kissed the top of my head. "There's a want and there's a need..." Nash started to sing lowly. "Nash, not today." I say leading him to my bed. There's a history between, girls like her and guys like me... Cowboys and Angels." he kissed me. "Alright, Cowboy." I smiled at him. "We ride side by side, cloud of dust, a ray of light. My touch is her temptation, her kiss is my salvation." he continued, softly singing me to sleep. "You're such an angel." he kissed my forehead, warping me in his arms.

It was late, when I woke up. Nash was gone and everyone was racing around. "Mavy, get dressed we have to go." Terri said, trying to stay calm. I got dressed and asked where we were going. Terri didn't know how to answer. Garth held my hand, "We're going to a new old place," he said.

We left quickly and headed to what I hoped was a coronary, and not a police station. That's exactly where we were going, "Why are we here?" I ask. "Nash got into it with some guys, and beat them up pretty bad." Garth said. "He better have killed somebody." I pout angrily. I get out the car and walk toward the old tan bricked building. Inside, the lifeless tile, the pale blue walls covered in medals, letters and pictures of past and new officers are meticulously arranged with in the dark stained mahogany. "This place give me the creeps." Terri says. Garth held her tightly, assuring her that nothing was going to happen to her. I sat down in one of the old warped plastic chairs, which were in an assortment of colors an let Garth handle everything. Terri sat next to me trying to calm me down. Garth comes and stoops down I front of us, "They say he wants to talk to you." he hangs his head low, "If you don't want to, I'll go and he'll understand." he said. "No, I'll go." I said. "Make sure there's a guard in the room." I stand up, and head over to the officer waiting. I went through metal detectors and was walked to a room, where Nash was handcuffed to a table. "Starlight!" He gasped. "Nash." I sit down across from him with a blank expression. He looked down, and knew I was angry with him. "Do you always have to get thrown in jail?" I ask him. He looks up with a smirk, "Come on. You're not as mad as you let on." he said, widening his smile. I stood from my seat, and walked over to him, and sat on the table. "Come on, Star." he coaxed. I put my hand on his cheek, and he nuzzled his face into it. I pulled back and slapped him, "Tell me that you didn't beat up Bravo and his guys." I say. Nash rubbed his stinging face against his shoulder, "I deserved that, but I swear that I was walking to the coffee shop, being a good boyfriend and on the way back. Bravo and his guys were talking about how much of an easy score you were, and they bumped into me and started asking vulgar questions. Being the Southern Boy that I am, and knowing how to respect a woman, like yourself, I fought them, but I beat Bravo, within an inch on his life." Nash Duke Bond was sitting in jail, with a burning right cheek. I turn and motion to the officer that he can leave. "I wish that you wouldn't be such a cowboy all the time." I said. "Well, why do you have to an angel?" Sassy ass! "There's a want and there's a need. There's a history between..." "Girls like her and guys like me, cowboys and angels." we sang, I hated when we did that. I could never stay mad at him, when he did that. "Am I forgiven?" he grinned and gave me puppy dog eyes. "If they let you out of here maybe." I said. The guard came in with Terri and Garth, and removed Nash's handcuffs. He stood up, and shoved hands into his pockets. I pushed back down into the chair, straddled him to the chair, pressing my lips hard against his. "What was that for?" he asked, after I pulled away. I got off of his lap, "For defending me." I said. "Let's go." I said to Garth and Terri, who lead the way out. Nash chased behind me, holding my hand.

As we re-entered the waiting area, I noticed Kyle, James, and Derek, looking pretty beat up. "Those are the guys you beat up." I said. "Yeah, how did you know?" Nash asked. "They all have a black right eye." I pushed him playfully. I walked over to them, they looked startled, like I was going to put the in worse trouble. "H..h..hi." Kevin stuttered. "Hey guys." I said to them. "Could you leave, before you get us beat up some more." James said bluntly. "Seriously, we're done getting beat up. this is the second time." Derek exasperated. "Come on you three, let's go check on my idiot brother." a short blonde said. "Is this the girl who beat you guys up?" she asked. "That was me, miss." Nash came over. "Southern draw, I like." she stepped closer to him. "I'd step back if I was you." I spoke up. She rolled her eyes and brushed off my warning. I quickly stepped in front of her, "Back off." I said sternly. She squinted her eyes at me, "Who are you anyway?" She didn't seem to be smart. "Alright Cassidy, let's just go check on your brother." James urged her to leave. "I am the girl that your brother wants, but will never get." I said. Nash placed his hands on my sides, "Calm down, it's okay. We got a race to get ready for." he knew that I was angry. "So you're the new girl?" She put her hands on her hips. "Too bad he could have done much better." she said. "Why do we always end up at a police station?" Brax entered, she came over to me. "Did my brother beat up, Bravo?" she asked. "Yeah and those three." He said, feeling good about defending my honor. "Well, I'll see you guys back at the apartment." she said, and walked toward the guard. "Don't be too mean to my favorite Mexican." I called to her. "No promises." she called back.

"So, I guess that my brother has really got what he wanted." Cassidy flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Alright, let's go check on the poor bastard." James said pushing her toward the door. "Well, that was fun." Nash hugged me from behind and the four of us left. This day couldn't be any worse.


We returned to the apartment, where I heard loud music and lots of people inside, and to top it off the door was unlocked. Terri, Garth, Nash and me entered to a complete disaster. "Terri and me will go find Billy the kid." Garth said as they vanished into the mass of bodies. "Let's get these people out of here." Nash said. "I know just the thing." I said. I opened my phone and played a recording of police sirens. They all scattered like roaches, leaving my kid brother alone in a mess of abandoned jackets, shoes and trash. "Come on Garth, it's just a little party." Nico pleaded. The trio came around the corner, and Nico's eyes met mine, they screamed with fear and guilt. He was ready to run, and he tried. "No way," Nash stood in front of the door. "I cheered her up once today, and she's still mad at me." "Well, don't let her be mad at me." Nico wasn't stupid and nether was Nash, but the both hated to deal with my anger. "Nico, why the hell do you do such stupid shit?" I asked him, he almost melted before my eyes. "You're so arrogant and strong headed and irritating sometimes, but others you're the you that I know, the little boy who recuses cats from trees, and people from danger." I say, I'm angry and disappointed. "Mavy, I'm not that little kid anymore." he says. "Fine, then this entire apartment will be spotless and I hope that's soon." I say. I walk away from him. I call Scott and change tonight's meeting to here, because I'm just incredibly angry with Nico. "Hey Nicci you have like two hours." I shout out to him, he groans in response. On the kitchen table, Garth and Nash rooted through the left clothes. "So, what's the bounty?" I ask sitting on Nash's lap. "$100, a couple fake IDs, some breath spray, a couple bags of drugs and 34 packs of gum." Terri says laying down a notepad. "$125" Garth corrects her, as he rummages through a jacket.

"Angel." Nash whispers in my ear. "Cowboy." I say, kissing him hard.

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