Big City Bad Boy

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"So you really need to stop blowing stuff up." I said. "You really need to control your temper." she responded. "No I don't, it's perfectly under control." I said. "Right, like you wouldn't have beaten her to a bloody pulp." she said. "What are you doing?" she asked. I really needed a break from everything, so I decided to go back to Baltimore this weekend. "I'm at the store." I told her over the phone. "Alright I got work, talk to you tonight." she said and hung up. I wasn't at the store. I was at the gym, it's been a minute. But I had a bigger problem to deal with. I ran my fingers through my hair, "Shit!" I said looking at my hand as the brown dye rubbed off. I headed home and showered and washed my hair. It was back to its natural black color. "Look at you now, just like your father." someone said behind me. "I really with that, you would die John." I said. "No you don't, because then you would be happy and you don't like new feelings." he laughed. "I know you Scott, you don't play fair, or by the rules. You make your own rules and break those too." he said to me. "Would you just tell me what you want?" I demanded. "i don't want much just for you to push your little girlfriend into the arms of my son, the two of you aren't great friends but you can work it out." he said. "Trevor, come here would you?" he said. "Why the hell is he in my house?" I yelled. "This isn't what I had in mind either." Trevor sneered at me. "So, Trevor gets the girl and no one gets hurt." John said as the two of them walked away. "What makes you think she'll go to him?" I shouted after them. "She's a girl isn't she."Trevor shouted back. I don't know what the hell that was supposed to mean, but I didn't like it. I decided that I should head back to school. 


I pulled up to the apartment and didn't see Mavy's car, which meant she was at her dorm, or roaming the campus. I grabbed my stuff for football practice and headed to the field. In an instance, my phone started ringing. "Hello." I answered it. ''Your not the most punctual person, but this will have to do for now." it was Trevor. "You won't talk to her today, if she calls don't answer, don't text, don't even look at her."  he said and hung up the phone. I made it through practice which was long for no reason, who the hell runs on the same feild for four hours. stupid shit.

I went back to my apartment, and hung out like I used to before Mavy. I had a beer in one hand and it was just me Fonz and Carr girl free like the old days. "Man, she's going to flip when she sees you." Carr said. "I still can't believe you let the black hair come back." Fonz said throwing me another beer. "Well, she's not going to see it, and it's back to stay." I said. We wrapped up the night, not hearing from the Mavy, but Marcy wouldn't leave Carr alone. He left around one in the morning. While Fonz and me went for a night on the town. We robbed an atm, and stole a couple cars along withstarting a bar fight or two. "Man we should head home." Fonz said. "What do you mean, we're just getting started." I laughed as we drove around town. "Man you're smashed, and we've got class in the morning." Fonz turned the car around. "Man, if you say so." I passed out.


I woke up this morning with a massive headache, "What the hell?" I said looking around the room. "Man you've done it now." Carr said giving me some water. "I swear it was Fonz's idea." I said. I sat up, "What happened last night?" I asked. "You lived the old days and did something stupid." Carr said. "How stupid?" I asked following him out of the room. I looked around, Jaz, Grayson,  Carr, Fonz shook there heads at me. Haley sat on the couch, "You did it this time." she said. "What are you guys talking about?" I laughed. "Last night you really went over board." Fonz said. "Scott, what's going on?" I heard someone say from the room I just left. I spun around to see, Becky standing there wearing one of my shirts. "What is she doing here?" I asked. "You called her man." Fonz said. My eyes widened, "I really fucked up." I said. I looked over at Haley, she just shook her head. "She came by this morning." Becky said. "What did you do?" I said angrily. "I just told her what you told me, that you loved me, and that you couldn't look at her." Becky said. "She came here to tell you that Red Bull terminated there invitation to the team qualifyer, because of our stunts last night." Fonz said. My phone started ringing, I quickly answered. "Hello?" I said in a panic. "I'm happy to here that you came to, but its a little late for me." Mavy said. "Mavy please. Don't, don't leave me. I need you." I begged her. "Give the phone to Haley." She siad I handed the phone to Haley. "Alright calm down, have fun. Talk to you later." Haley then hung up the phone and toseed it back at me. "She wanted me to tell you, that Red Bull gave back the invitation, she told them it was her, and not you. She hates it when people play with her emotions, especially her love." Haley said. 

"Haley, where is she? I need to explain, I need to see her. "She went home," Haley said. "but not to the one you know." she fininshed. "Haley, please." I said. "I can't tell you, becaus I don't even know. Happy winter break, Scott Stryker." she said leaving the apartment, with Jaz following behind her. "It's going to be okay, man." Carr said. "She still loves you." Marcy tried to reassure me. They left for work after that. "I got to get going." Grayson said. "Gray please, you've got to help me." I said to him. " Do you remember, when we first met?" He said. "Of course." I said. 

Flash back:

I was runnig down the hallway of my third middle school, that year. "Mr. Stryker, get back here" the principal yelled at me. "You'll have to catch me." I yelled back. I tripped over a who was picking up his stuff. "You foiled me, I was almost out of this shit hole and you tripped me, you little prick." I yelled at the boy who I tripped over, Carson. "Hey, don't talk to my brother like that." Grayson walked over to me. "Who do you think you are anyway, new kid. We run this school." he punched me in the eye.


"My eye still hurts from that buddy." I said holding my eye. "And you know better than anyone, that I'm not good at helping people with there problems."Grayson said.  "All I can say is, good luck." Grayson left. "Man, I'm gonna head out." Fonz said, leaving behind Grayson.

"Now that there all gone, how about we have some more fun." Becky said sitting next to me. "Do you really think she's not coming back?" I said. "I don't think so, but who cares, you can't stay hung up on the same girl your whole life. Becky put her hand on my leg ans it had the same ring I had made for Mavy on her ring finger. "Where did you get that?" I asked her. "She told me to give it to you, but I think that it looks good on me." Becky smiled. "Take it off." I whispered. "What are you saying?" she asked. "Take it off!" I yelled. "Take it off take your clothes and get out!" I yelled she lookd scared and took off the ring and left. I held the ring in my and cried and wondered, where could she be hating me, and if she could even know how much I hate myself for hurting her like this, for sleeping with Becky. "Mavy, I need you." I wispered into the empty apartment.


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