Getting over the pain

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It's been 6 months. I haven't heard anything from Scott. Grayson said he sent him a letter, but no word since. 

Now, I'm three weeks away from graduation. Then to college and I don't even know where. I'll probably end up at NYU or maybe North Carolina. I don't know. I just really want Scott back. 

I've been going out with Dwayne, but he really doesn't care about me. None of the boys like him. I've even been spending a lot of time with Fonzie, he's really sweet, but I think he knows something I don't. 

I've been so busy with college stuff lately that I barely think about Scott, but whenever I'm feeling low, he seems to be there. He was the best. I wonder why he left sometimes or if he's ever coming back. 

"Mav! Your thing is here." Jaz yelled up. 

I have a date with Dwayne tonight, "I'm coming." I said sliding down the fireman's pole. I was wearing my beaten up blue jeans and a black leather jacket. 

"I really wish you wouldn't wear that jacket." Dwayne said. 

"It's apart of her so stop trying to change it." Gunner protested. 

"Bye, boys." I said closing the door behind me. 

"So, you know what college you're going to, yet?" he asked me. The awkward conversation. 

"Not really sure, just taking it one day at a time." I said. We were in his car, I just stared out the window. 

"Well, I guess that's cool." he said.

"What ever happened to that Stryker guy?" he asked, making a sharp turn, the boys driving was horrid. 

"He had some stuff to take care of." I said. I don't know. 

"Well it must have been really important to leave you." he flirted. 

We went to the movies, it wasn't crowded or anything special. It never is around here. "Two tickets, please." he said, to Nico, he does tickets at the movies now. "Here you go." Nico said sliding him the tickets. "Hey, Nicoco!" I said. He laughed a little, "Hey, Mad Hatter." 

Dwayne looked at us like something was going on, he even asked. "That's my little brother." I told him. "Nico." He blushed a little, "Sorry." he said. I laughed. We got popcorn and saw the Equalizer. 

I have never been so happy at one time, Dwayne is really sweet, when it seems like he is. He even asked me to prom, and I said maybe, still wishing to get the offer from who I want. He dropped me off at home, where all of the boys played football in the driveway. "Jaz, makes it passed the thirty, the twenty, the ten, TOUCHDOWN!!" Jaz narrated. They all cheered, like school girls. "Hey, Mavy!" Fonzo said. "Hey." I said. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?" he asked. I was shocked, Dwayne and me seemed to be getting somewhere but I'm not to sure. He still acts strange around the guys. "I'd love too." I told him. I liked Fonzo, so I really had no problem saying yes. 

--- A few nights later --- 

Me and all the boys minus Fonzo, did something that I never imagined doing. Dress shopping for prom! "This one's pretty, but doesn't fit you." Rocket said after seeing me try on the twelfth dress. "This store, is not your style." Grayson observed. "I smell a road trip." Carr suggested. Jaz punched him in the chest, "I'm calling my mom." he said. 

None of the boys, really talked about their moms, just Scott. I'm guessing that some stories are better left untold. Jaz made a phone call, and was speaking French. I knew there was something different about him! 

He ushered over a sales representative, who took my measurements. He relayed them to the person on the other end of the phone. "Thanks mom. Talk to you soon." Jaz hung up the phone. "How's mama French?" Carr inquired. Jaz rolled his eyes. "Mav, your dress will be here in a few days." he said. We left that conversation alone. 

We came back home, to find a foreign car, and an old one. The first, a black SUV with all tinted windows. The other, a lovely Camaro. I rushed inside, to find my parents talking with Trevor, and now I know why the boys hated him so much.  
"What is he doing here?" Carr asked. "Is that Stryker's car out front?" Grayson added. I wasn't going to be nice, I wasn't in the mood. "Alright, Trevor hit the bricks!" I said angrily. "Well, how are you Maverick? It's been too long." he said. "Not in the mood for any of the bull shit your about to try to pull." I said. He stepped closer to me and the boys, who looked more angry than me. "Back off Trevor!" Jaz said stepping into his path. "Why should I? Your precious leader isn't here to protect you." he laughed. 

I pushed passed him. "I really thought I was doing a good job." I said. 

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