Another thief in the making

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It's been a while since the Street race, incident. But after that, people started to get the message about us, Me, the guys ,the girls. It's definately working! Even since I blew up that guys car. I've become the most eligible dating bachelor, and of course Mavy's been on watch even since.

"Mavy would you calm down!" I said to her as she pulls me away from the fourth hoard of girls this morning. She hasn't been herself lately, and I don't know why. "Mavy?" I pull her over by the scince building. "Would you please calm down." I said putting my forehead against hers. She pushed me away. "What's going on with you?" I asked. "Those girls that's what. Every fifteen seconds therer there." she said angrily. "Okay, now I understand, you think you're losing me?" she just looked at me with her big hazel-brown eyes. "You'll never lose me! I love you!" I told her. A smile creept its way onto her face, "Can we just go to class?" she said. "We're talking about this later." I said as we continued to our class. 

My Micromechanics class:

"So we have a project and I thnk that it would be best is we worked in sub-groups." this girl said, her name is Becky, I think. She's a little bossy and talkitive. She wore a blue sweater, and even with the exception that it was November it was pretty tight. "That sounds like a good idea." the biggest suck up I've even seen, Veronica said. Her and Becky, almost looked like twins. I wasn't really trying to pay attention, until the professor said my favorite words, "That's a wrap!" which was her special way of ending class. I collected my stuff, and bolted out of class. "Hey, Scott! Wait up." I heard Becky yell from behind me. "You walk pretty fast." she said catching her breath. "So, I was thinking that we could do the..." "Look! I really think that you and Veronia should be in your little shitty sub-group idea. I'll just build the damn model, okay?" I cut her off. "Well, Veronica and Richard are going to do the written portion and, I thought that we could build the model together?" she said sheepishly. I scanned the crowd to find Mavy. "If this is really nesscesary?" I asked her. "Yes!" she said. "I just want to help." she said holding my hand, and batting her eyelashes at me. "Mavy! Over here!" I yelled, and she looked over at me. Mavy made her way toward me and Becky. As soon as she saw Becky hanging on me, her eyes looked light they had lasers shooting out of them. 

"Hi? We still on for lunch or are you busy?" Mavy asked me. "I'd skip school for you." I said shooting her, a 'Prince Charming' smile. "But I wouldn't let you." she smiled. I pressed my forehead against hers, and kissed her nose. Someone cleared their throught next to us, Becky. "Hi, I'm Becky Morrison. I'm Scott's partner, for the project." she said, giving her hand for Mavy to shake. "Hi, I'm Maverick. Scott's girlfriend!" Mavy shooke her hand. "So, you're the girl behind the name, on his notbook." Becky said. "That's her! Babe, let's go now. We've got work to do." I pushed Mavy along. 

"You really find her annoying?" Mavy asked me as we entered the apartment. "She's a pain. You don't like her anyway." I said. "She's okay." she said. "We sleep in the same bed, Mav! I know you hate her." I said. "Okay! Fine, I hate her, especially the fact that she was hanging on you." Mavy threw herself on the couch. "What work are we doing?" I said  sitting on the floor by her face. "Well, we have maintenece to do for the cars and bikes and your project." she said kissing me and jumping over the back of the couch. "Sooo, not fair!" I yelled at her, as she ran away. "Well, screw me!" she yelled back. "Don't play with me!" I said. "You won't do anything." she said. She stood there staring at me, with her hands on her hips. "You want a bet small town?" I jumped over the couch. I pinned her against the wall. "I really think that we should have fun." I winked at her. "We never have fun anymore." she wined. I kissed her, "You talk to much." I kissed her neck, and down to her collar bone. I covered her skin in light kisses. she pulled me toward her, making my head hit the wall. 

She played with my belt loops, as I held her close to me by the small of her back. I slid my hands down and caressed her ass, she wrapped her arms around myneck as I lifted her legs around my body, she pulled off my shirt. "Oh come on! Can I never bring a girl here?" Fonz yelled. "Well Alfonzo, it was nice talking to you?" a girl said with the door closing behind her footsteps. Me and Mavy breaked from our agrssive make-out session and laughed hard, as Fonz stormed out of the apartment. "We're really, bad at this." she said. "Who cares?" I kissed her. I carried her into our room, where we stayed entangled in that bed, for hours. 

*** Around 6 p.m. ***

There was knock at the door, "Do we have to answer it?" Mavy asked me. "Maybe they'll go away." she said burying her face in my chest. "Scott? It's Becky, I thought we could work on the model?" she said at the door. "I have to go get it. If not, she'll just stay there." I said. I left Mavy consuming the warmth from my spot on the bed. I put on some shorts and went to the door. 

"Hey, Becky." I wiped my face. "It's really not a good time." I started. "Well, this will only take a second." she said blushing. "Come in. I guess." I said. She entered the vast apartment in awe. "This is really nice." she said. "It's nothing special." I said sitting on the couch. "What did you come here for?" I asked. "Oh yes, the project. Should we set up the model, in a 3-D or 2-D representation?" she asked sitting next to me. The door to where I left Mavy clicked and, Becky slid over immediately. She was in her shredded Black Sabbath t-shirt, and some black shorts. "Hey, Baby..." she looked up at me. "Oh, Hi Becky." she said. "Hi, Maverick." Becky responded. 

"You guys doing that project?" Mavy asked. "Yeah." I said annoyed. "Sorry, I asked. I'm going to the workshop." she said climbing the stairs to the second floor of the apartment. "So, I was thinking an interactive 3-D projection." I said to Becky. "SHIT!" Mavy yelled from upstairs. "What's wrong, Small town?" I yelled upstairs. Mavy came storming down the stairs, she threw a piece of metal at me. "That is what's wrong." she collapsed in the big red chair. "What am I going to do?" she cried. "What's wrong?" Becky asked. "Well Becks, my block head boyfriend, used all of my sotter, and melted me carbarator." she said. "I'm right here!" I said throwing the hunk of metal back at her. "Why's it so important?" Becky isn't good at shuttyiing up. "It was his new carbarator, for his car, which he has to race in three days." Mavy yelled at me. putting the fused metal on the floor. 

"You race cars?" Becky said, excitedly. "Yes!" I said. Mavy sat on my lap, "I'm really distracting you from this project. I'll go now. But the guys will be here in twenty." Mavy said returning upstairs. "Alright. Becky, I'm sorry but, as you can see. I really need to clean this place up." I said pulling myself out of the vacum of the couch. "Well, I really want to get this project finished." she said standing up looking at my body. "Well, I can handled the model. I've got a crew of people to help me with it." I said ushering her to the door. I opened the door. "Scotty!" Marcy hugged me. "Hey Mar." I said. "Mavy's upstairs." I struggled. "Stryker!" Carr high fived me. "Mavy's a great girl, she really makes you happy. If anyone, you couldn't find anyone better?" Fonz pushed passed us. "I hope were not late." Jaz said. "Please!" Haley exclaimed. She knew that would never be true. 

"I guess that, somethings going on?" Jaz said walking through the door. "Pleas Jazzy, Mav would never!" Haley pushed him. "Bye Becky." I said to her. "I really like your friends, there funny." she giggled. "They're not joking. " I told her. "Get that bitch out of here!" Fonz yelled, he's drunk. "Damn, Gringo." he continued. "I guess I should go." she said walking through the door. I locked the door behind her. 


I rejoined my friends. "Seriously, this girl is going to die if Mav finds this." Haley said, holding a notebook, of Becky's that had her name and mine scribbled through the pages. 

"Hoy shit! She's been Stryked!" the guys all laughed.


Hello loves!

I'm sorry the updates are slow, technical difficulties lately. :( 

I appreciate all the love you're showing the story. So pretty steamy there for a minute or two. I really didn't want to get into 'it' but I wanted to escalated it more than the last time. Becky is your sterotypical girl with a crush, with serious attachment issues. Fanstasy journal, her first name and his last, photoshopped pictures, the works. SPOILER ALERT: She's even got a fullproof way to get rid of Mavy! or so she thinks? SPOIL FINISHED! 

Luv, DON who luvs you!!

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