New School Fresh Start

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I woke up this morning, to the smell of bacon and the sight of the most beautiful girl.

"Hey sleepy head." she said to me. "I'd run downstairs and eat, before everything disappears." I stretched and rolled out of bed. 

"Can I take the pole?" I asked. She laughed at my excitement. I slid down, landing in the kitchen. 

"Good morning, son. Sleep well?" Maverick's father asked me. 

"Yes, sir." I tried not to make things awkward.

"Good morning, Scott." her mother said to me. 

"Good morning, ma'am." I said. 

"Don't call me ma'am. Call me mom." she laughed handing me a plate of toast, grits, eggs and bacon. "Sit over there." she motioned to the table, where all the boys were. 

"Look at Stryker! Ready for the big day?" Jaz said. I ignored him, and sat across from Grayson. 

"Alright, what's the run down?" I said shoveling food into my face. 

"Well, the race is in a couple months,..." Grayson said before Fonzo interrupted.

"Mama J, signed us up for school." 

"Yes, and your mom is at your aunts in New York." Grayson continued.

"Alright, so I'll see you boys later." Maverick's father said leaving. 

"Nico, Guns, Rocky!" Maverick came sliding down the fireman's pole. 

"On 1." She was followed by Rocket.

"On 2." followed by Gunner. 

"I hate on 3." followed by Nico.

"Go grab the guys." Mavy said. 

"Alright boys!" Mama J said sweeping away our plates. 

"Time to hit the road." Gunner came running by, "Unless you want to stay here all alone, you might want to come on." he said before leaving. 

"Let's go!" Fonzo said. He left followed by Jaz, then Carr, and Grayson.

"Is he coming?" I could hear Mavy ask. I could hear her coming to the room. 

"You okay?" she asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said with a smile. Liar! You're a wreck! 

"You'll be fine." she told me. 

She held my hand, "Let's go. Or we'll definitely be late." I slowly stood up, and pulled her close to me. I took in a breath, she smelled like motor oil and warm steel. Why don't all girls smell this way, instead of flowers and other shit? She's wearing black leather pants and a plaid shirt. 

"What's the hold up you two?" Rocket asked. Who else would worry about us, besides the kid? 

"Chill out little man! We're coming." I said.

We all headed outside, "So, are we riding to school?" Nico asked. 

"I guess." she said with a smile. The boys, both her's and mine raced, to vehicles.

I looked at them as they huddled around the Camaro, "You guys look so cute." I laughed. 

"Alright, forget it we're walking." she said. 

"Race you to the bus stop!" Rocket challenged me. We took off in a full sprint. 

"Ahh, my ankle." he yelled. I stopped to see, when he ran past me. 

"You cheated." I said picking him up. I stopped at the bus stop. 

"Who knew that a bad boy, would care about a little boy?" Jaz said, with everyone else coming up behind us.

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