Planes old feelings and Nash's mom

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For the past ten days, I've been pranking the shit out of the police department. I decided to give them a break. So, that meant the best weekend ever. A trip to New Orleans, Louisiana. "Wake up everyone, now." I shouted running up and down the hallways of the house. "Why are we up so early?" Hayley rubbed her eyes. "All packed and ready to go?" Nash said walking back into the house. "Ready to go where?" she wined again. "What crazy scheme do you have planned now?" Jaz enlisted. "Would you just tell them, before Garth comes back." Nash instructed. Abruptly the door busrted open with excitement and commotion, "Woohoo!" someone hollered. Just then a happy blonde haired boy rushed through the door, "A trip to New Orleans." he said as he panced, galloped around the room. "Wait a minute, you... us... we're going to New Orleans!" Carr raged. That was the quickest that I had ever seen this group get dressed EVER!

"Come on, Let's hit the road." Scott sang jumping down the stairs. "Dude, calm down." Nash said. "Seriously, it's just a bowl game." Hayley said floating down the stairs behind him. Who mentioned the bowl game? "Keep your voice down." Nash put his hand over her mouth. "Hold up there, Nash. You've got your own girl." Jaz pulled her away form him. So over protective. "Well, we better hit the road." I said sitting up on the couch. "Hayley, seriously though don't talk to much about how 'It's just a bowl game.' " I told her. "Why? I'm not riding with him." she said checking her lipgloss. "Acually." Jaz mumbled. "What your adorable blonde means to say is that, you will be riding with me." Garth laughed opening a beer. "So, as I was saying, Hayley, Jaz and Garth are in Garth's truck. Scott's in his car. Carr, Marcy, and Nash are in Nash's truck. I've got Grayson, Fonz and Ethan." I informed them as we gathered in the living room. "So what's our final destination?" Ethan asked walking through the door. "Home." Nash answered. "Let's load up. We've got 514 miles to burn and 8 hours to do it in, let's go people." I said pulling on my jacket.

We headed outside and piled into cars and trucks, "I'm taking point." Scott declared, taking the lead of the group. To bad for him, that we all weren't taking the the same strip of road. So, as Scott took the point, Nash pulled out North, Garth pulled West and I pulled South through town. The three of us headed to the woods, while he was on his way to New Orleans. As we arrived at the airport, I slammed on the brakes. "What the hell!" The guys yelled at me. I just laughed. "We're here!" I looked at them. "Isn't Scott driving?" Fonz asked me. "Yeah. He noticed that we were gone, miles ago. He called me, and I told him to call Nash." I said to him. "You evil girl." he said hugging me. "You are truly a master at schemes." "I try." we got out of the car. "So, did he call you?" I asked Nash. "Nope." he shook his head. "Why the hell is so damn stubborn." I shouted. "Because he's like you." Jaz said.

I qiuckly dialed his number. "Hello?" he answered. "Did you call Nash?" I asked him. "Do you still date me?" he asked me sounding sad and lonely. "You're no fun." I said to him. "You're still the best." he flirted. "So, Billy the Kid are you going to drive and run out of gas, or meet us at the damn airport?" I asked him. By then everyone had gotten the clue to go and check-in. "Why the hell are you with Nash Bond?" he asked me. "You want the truth?" "No, I want a lie. It'll probably make me feel a hell of a lot better." he yeled at me. "I'm with Nash because for as long as I could remember, he has never hurt me." I told him. "You have no idea how sorry I am about that." he said. "Nash Bond, is probably the best guy a girl could ask for, because he may be bad but he has a good heart." I said. "Alright, now turn around." I turned around to see the same green and black racing striped monster that I was once excited to see, excited to sit in but now I just see a car. "That's another reason, he's better at being an ass." I yelled at him as he climbed out of his car.

I hated planes, either they were going missing or crashing down into the face of the earth. Of course, Jaz called up his wonderful rich family who sent over a private jet to come get us. "Mav, come on." Hayley yelled to me. I raced over to my friends as we headed out on to the runway. "I really don't think that anybody missed me." Scott said looking at me. "How could we, you were only gone for a hour." Grayson said. "Hahaha." he said sarcastically.

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