I'll be with you till the end

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The school year is coming to an end, and race season is closed. Not a single move made by anyone and for once everything is going smooth.

Tonight we all were going out and I feel pretty good. There was a knock at the door as I finished getting ready, "Hold on!" I say, going to grab my shoes. The knocking continues, I race to the door shoes in hand, "Calm down, I don't think..." I open the door to find two police officers, a younger one with dark hair and smooth facial features but I couldn't clearly make out his face and his older partner, I assume, his silver hair and brown tired eyes made be uncomfortable. "Hello." I grip the door handle a little harder. "Good evening miss, may we ask you a few questions?" The young officer asked. I nodded, "Sure come in." I said opening the door a little wider. The older officer looked me up and down, his eyes trailed across my body. "Can I ask why your here?" I close the door. "We're conducting an investigation, on a Nash Bond. We received a tip that he was involved with the Ringleader of Alabama." the older officer says licking his lips.

"Officer McClan, we need you back at the Precent." a dispatcher said through the old officers walkie-talkie. "On my way." he responds. "You can handle things here." he leaves.

"He's a good guy," the younger officer defends. "But he has a tendency to linger. I'm sorry if he made you uncomforable." he spoke in a familiar southern accent. I couldn't quite make out his face, since he didn't look at me directly. "So, you had some questions?" I said. He quickly pulled out a pad of paper. "Have you ever heard Nash talk about the Ringleader?" He asked. "We were practically raised together, but not often." I said. My Ringleader persona never followed me, so why now? Why here? I just have to stay calm and give the right answers. The officer handed me a small photograph, "Have you ever seen, this man?" He pointed at Garth. It was a picture of Garth, Nash and me, what was going on? "That's Garth Strauss, the three of us are family." I said. "We have reasons to believe to that, he is the Ringleader." the officer said. I couldn't take it. "Neither of them are the Ringleader, I am. They never caught me because of the guys." I said. "You can't be the Ringleader, you were never placed at every crime and petty vandalism." he said sternly. "Well, I am. The explosives used at bank were constructed, designed, and even placed by my hands." I stood, "Those boys are part of my only true family, they just wanted to protect me." The officer removed his hat, and stood. "Miss, are you confessing to being the Ringleader?" he asked. "Yes." I said without hesitation.

I was handcuffed and taken to the police station, processed and placed in an interrogation room. "Feels like home." I said strolling around the small room. "You have no prior record." The same officer entered. "You basically don't exist. No tickets, fees, fines, prior processing." he was dumbfounded. "Who gave you the tip?" I asked sitting on the table. "Those are anonymous." he said. I stood up and went behind him, places my hands on his shoulders. "Come, on I won't tell. I could even help you figure this out." I massaged his shoulders. "Wow, oh you'll really good at this." he enjoyed it. "Come on, tell me." I whispered. "It was this guy, up on the NYU football team. Patrick Bravo." he said. "Thanks, doll." I said running my hands through his hair. I grab a hold of it and smash his head against the metal table knocking him out. I leave the room, locking the door and stroll out of the station. I realize that it's almost 10:30 and I need a drink.

I head over to the bar, where all of my friends are gathered, recuperating from the previous club. I get a triple of whiskey and join them. "Look who decided to show?" Nash says to me sarcastically. "I'm not in the mood." I say sipping from my glass. "Well, I am." He slams down a beer bottle.

"Guys, calm down." Fonz says. "I don't think we asked for your input." Nash yelled at him. Fonz surrendered sitting back in his chair. "Where the hell have you been all day?" Nash growled at me. "I'm not doing this right now." I said throwing back the remainder of my drink. "Mickey, you might want to close up. This might not be too good for business." I brought my glass back to the bar. "Don't ignore me, Maverick!" Nash yelled, throwing empty beer bottles at the floor.

"I'm not talking to you, so shut the fuck up." I yelled at him. "You honestly can't think that I do a triple of the bar's strongest whiskey because I had a good day. So how about you sit down, shut up and let me live, because I can't do that under your thumb." I continued. "Under my thumb? Really! The girl who runs away from all of her problems, the one who drinks her feelings. How many times did I have to bail you out of jail, or cover for you when you got suspended from school?" He bellowed and walked toward me. "Will you two stop this nonsense!" Garth jumped between us. "The two of you are more like brother and sister than a stable couple. Geez! Even back home you argued, but not like this." he said. "The two of you taught me what a family is, and what it means to be apart of one," he said, "Mav, just tell him where you were." he urged me. "I was getting processed, at the percent. I knocked out a cop and came her for my last drink, since I'll be kick out of school, fired by NASCAR and sent back for trial and sent to jail for my crimes against the state of Alabama." I said. "And I had a chance to think about a lot, too. I'm gonna let them do it, I mean I called Sheriff Strauss and told him. He said there's nothing about the Ringleader in the entire state, so these northern cops are making it up." I smiled. "You're still leaving aren't you?" Nico asked. "Yeah, I have too. I can't stay here, not like this." I said.

"We're coming with you." Hayley said standing next to me. I laughed as everyone agreed with her. "You can't, y'all got to live your lives and I've got to live mine." I said. "Hey, Mav." Scott said as I left the bar. "We'll be with you till the end." he said, and everyone nodded along.

The name of the bar was St.Elmo's. I realized that we all had been through so much that we really would be together until the end.

I packed that night and purchased a one way ticket to California, and never looked back.


Next is the Epilouge, thanks for reading. I really love you guys.

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