Shocking news and 50 laps on asphalt

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There had to be major modifications on my car for the race, but I was ready.  Mav and I have been inseparable for the past week. I hate being ever a few feet from her.

We where watching, Tangled, when Jaz, Haley and the rest of the guys came back.  They took Marcy out shopping form the rave in a couple days. 

"Scotty!  You won't believe what I found." she shrieked. She still hasn't gotten the message. She sat down right between me and Mavy. 

"I found this really cute shit that..." 

"Team Stryker shirts will be here tomorrow morning." Mavy interrupted reading something off her phone. 

"Marcy,  maybe you could show me later." I said to her. 

"I want to show you now!" she said pulling a shirt out of a bag. It was hilarious, a green shirt with two white stripes running vertically down the middle. 

"She can shop, just not well." Hayley said. 

"She bought one for all of us." Carr said. 

"Come on, she's new to this thing. So stop trashing on her." Mav demanded. 

"But next time Marcy, leave the shopping to Hayley, designs to Jaz, important stuff to Grayson, but you can always join Carr and Fonzo with the jokes." she said. Marcy looked around at how Mav got them to stop laughing at her. 

"What about you, or my Scotty?" Marcy snuggled close to me. 

"You'll never touch anything these two do." Rocket said, throwing himself on the couch between me and Marcy. This kid can smell out tension in a room.

Mavy started to give me the evil eye, because Marcy still hasn't word that we're together. I moved from my side of the couch to hers, sitting behind her, holding her in my arms. 

"Marcy, I told you that you would regret taking this trip. It wasn't to shop, visit my mom, or even the guys. I took this trip to get my girl back." Marcy just stared at me for a while. 

"What do you mean?" she asked. 

"How deep is she in?" Grayson asked. 

"We've been together since he started school, back in Seattle." she said.

They all glared at me when she said Seattle. We made a pact to go to Seattle if we ever needed space, looks like they're mad about that much space. 

"So, about almost a year." Hayley said. 

"I didn't think that you would ever think of me as your girl, but just another. But this is even better!" Marcy scampered upstairs. 

"Why did you have to bring home a dumb one, Stryker?" Hayley asked. I don't even know.

***RACE DAY***

A foggy day here in Virginia, but perfect for a race, no rain!

We woke up early today. 

"Shirts!" Mav said shutting the door. She cut open the box with about 12 shirts. Each one was green and black, every one had a name on the shirt; Rocket was Rocket Man, Gunner was Guns,  Nico was Security, Carr was Loud,  Fonzo was Laugh, Grayson was Stats,  Jaz was Artist, Hayley was Pretty in Pink, Marcy was de Vil, Mavy was Pyromaniac, I was Boss Man.  Each shirt, except for Marcy's, had The Baltimore rebels society symbol on the back.

"These look great babe!" I said. 

"These are ugly!" Marcy laughed. "Their black, the only color is in that stupid symbol. What does it even mean?" 

"It's beyond your comprehension." Jaz said angrily. 

"What's your problem?" Rocket asked. 

"The whole time you've been here, you've bossed us around, tried to bring down my family. Can you just not believe that you were never loved or even liked by Scott Stryker?" The kid was heated. 

"Look you little brat,..." 

"Marcy!" I yelled. "I think you should go home." I made a promise no one would ever hurt this kid again, wasn't going to break it either. Marcy stared at me, and Rocket who was glaring at her,  something deadly.  

"I'm sorry!" she burst out into tears. "I just really want to fit in with you guys." 

"Beating up on ideas and people in this family isn't tolerated." Hayley said. "So, if you don't want to wear the shirt, don't wear the shirt." she continued. We all got dressed, and headed for the track.

The guys rode their motorcycles, me and Mavy were in my car, Haley drove hers and Marcy took a cab (she didn't trust our driving skills). We unloaded at our pit and watched others do the same. 

"Too bad we gotta work, because we sure would like to take you girls out." Fonz and Carr said to a couple of girls. 

"Tank is full, fuel caps tight, nitro is is full and turned off and our driver is handsome as ever." Mavy told me, as the official mechanic check us out. Marcy was getting some food, Hayley and Jazz had yet to be seen. The boys where all in a row checking competition's stats with Grayson. 

"So, Trevor's in lane 2." Jaz said walking up with Hayley.

"Well,  I see the Baltimore trash has arrived early." Trevor said walking up behind them. 

"OMG!  Teeth?" Marcy shrieked. Trevor stood in shock. 

"Don't act like you know me!" she demanded. 

"Hi, even though I have never associated with any girl of Scott Stryker." he said. 

"You were flirting pretty hard with me about a year ago." Mavy said. 

"You sweetheart, are not associated with Scott Stryker. You're out of his league." he said. 

"I can't believe, little Trevor Walker-Gunn, doesn't remember his only ex-girlfriend Marcy Jeans." Marcy said. 

"I do remember you. You're thinner now." Trevor laughed. 

"See you in the races Stryker." he laughed walking away.

"You dated Trevor Walker-Gunn?" Carr asked. 

"Of course. Well at least before he came out." she said. 

"I knew it!" Hayley said snapping her fingers. 

"At Alejandro's party, he commented on Mav's dress by the designer along with her shoes." she said. 

"The guys gay?" Fonz said. 

"No, he just acts like it." Marcy said.


!!! All racers to the starting line!!!

Grayson debriefed me on all the racers. 

"Good luck buddy." the guys said to me. 

"Good luck!" Mavy kissed me. "Don't crash!"

I jumped in my car, and rode to the starting line.

¤¤¤25 laps¤¤¤

I had to break. 

"Your dripping fuel all over the track, along with nitrogen." Mav said. "Press the flame button, on the 10th lap, that should keep you ahead." she informed me. I grabbed some water and jumped back in the race.

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