Outcasts are accepted

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Getting accepted, high school graduation, moving away from home. Big steps for someone to do on there own.

Before Scott came back me and the rest of the guys applied to a bunch of colleges but definitely the same ones. 

Today, Grayson checked the mail, "We got college mail!" he said. We all raced toward him. He passed out the mail. We each had a letter from the same school in our hands. 

"You go first Mavy!" Carr suggested. 

"Grayson got the mail he should go." I said. Grayson proceeded to open and read the first line of his letter. 

"I got in!" he said, he was followed by Jaz. 

"I got in, too." 

Fonzo didn't really wait, "Three." he wasn't too excited about it. 

"Fourth!" Carr almost fainted. Then there was one, they all stared at me with waiting eyes."

We are pleased to inform you that, you have been accepted." I read. I couldn't help but smile. 

"We all got in!" Car said with glee.

Scott seemed sort of uneasy. 

"What's up?" I asked him, he pulled me to the garage where he paced frantically. 

"I'm really happy for all of you, but it's really hard when I have nothing to be happy about." he said. 

I walked over to him and placed my hands on his face, "You're so dramatic. You know you've always got us, all of us. That's never going to change." I told him. He looked reassured and happy. I wonder how long that will last?

"OMG!" Marcy shrieked. "I got into Stanford!" she said reading an email. 

"That's great de Vil, now you just need to go." Carr joked. 

"Well, that's good for you. Even if I just got into MOORE the Philadelphia art school." Jaz commented.

I couldn't believe that this all was happening to me, last year I was a shy boxed in nerdy girl who couldn't even ask a guy for a pencil, but now I'm going out with a guy who beat up my brothers, and him and his best friends are living with me. I couldn't have asked for more. Understatement!! I've never felt so alive.

"Hey! Snap out of your time zone." Haley said, snapping in my face. 

"What?" I said stepping back. 

"Marcy's upstairs, Jaz and Grayson went out, Fonzo and Carr are playing around with the boys, and Stryker disappeared." she said. 

"How long have I been standing there?" I asked her. 

"Half hour tops." she was easing my fridge. I decided to take a walk, so I grabbed my keys and was gone. 

I walked to the bookstore, then the local diner. 

"How are you dear?" Dwayne's mom asked me. His family runs the diner. 

"I'm good. Thanks!" I said, sipping my iced tea. 

"My little Wayne, just got accepted to Harvard." she said. 

"Tell him I said congratulations." I paid for my tea and left.

I continued my walk, down main street. I really lived in a quiet town where nothing truly happened. I walked to the hardware store to check out some parts, but there was something that bothered me. The sound of a fire truck sirens racing by. 

"Don't turn right!" I whispered to myself. It did! 

I raced back home to see the lot across the street...


I got the boys out but I was trapped inside. Seeing this fire, was like a bright orange and red ghost coming to seek is revenge.


"Mavy!" The boys yelled and grabbed me, I was crying on the ground. 

"Mav!" I heard Hayley say, "Jaz! Get Scott." she called. 

"Mavy!" Rocket shook me. 

"Stand back!" someone said. I was lifted off of the ground, and cried back into the house. "Give her some air." someone said. 

"Mavy, hey! I'm right here don't give out on me." The last voice I heard was Scott's and the last thing I felt were his lips pressed against mine.


Good life all u Readers, Rockers, & Fighters,

So sorry to keep you all waiting, but it was worth it I hope.  So, Marcy?  She's a definite snob, no offense. Trevor Walker-Gunn is the wanna be Scott Stryker, but a very not good version. I plan on doing a backstory, but it's an on going debate.

I love u guys sooooo much, all my readers, voters, commentators.

Love you guys,  Laz

P.S. If you gaits have any ideas, suggestions, or find anything wrong, let me know, message me or comment. I'll respond.

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