Broken homes breed, Strong innocent bystanders

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It's been a whole week, we've all started packing up stuff. My room, Jaz's room, Grayson and Carr's room, Fonz's room and Marcy's room. Scott hasn't even left his room to eat in the past week. I've been really worried about him. I decided that I was going to do the only thing I could think of even if it would surely anger him, but I didn't want to do that yet.

The hardest thing I've ever done, I walked up to Scott's door. 

I softly knocked, "You okay in there?" I said. The door opened slowly, revealing messy brown hair and rough stubble across his jawline. He looked at me with soul-less brown eyes. 

"I'm fine." he mumbled. He didn't seem fine. His eyes darted around behind me, before he grabbed my wrist pulling me into the dark, grotesque dungeon of a room.

"I can now wonder why you wanted kill John." I said with a smile. 

"I can't do this anymore." he said throwing his fists against a nearby wall. I was defeated, I just couldn't bare seeing him this way. I picked up a shirt off the floor and threw it at him. "Hey! What was that for?" he said pulling the shirt off his head. 

"For being a little bitch." I said launching another shirt at him. He started walking toward me, 

"Would..." he started before I threw another shirt at him. He has a ton of shirts!! Before I could throw the next shirt he grabbed me from where I stood. 

"Okay! I'll stop." I laughed. He laid me on his bed. "This room really is a mess." I said pushing my hair out of my face. 

"I'm really mad, but I'm not mad at you." he said laying down next to me. 

"I know but locking yourself in your room isn't going to fix it. And you really need a shower." I said holding my nose. 

"Fine!" he pulled off his shirt.

 He stripped down to his boxers when, "Hey guys. you really might want to see this." Marcy bursted in. Mood killer, de Vile! 

"Here we come." I say dryly. He shot me a glance, for me not to go.

 I shot one at him, "I'll be right back." I left the room to find, what I always imagined would never be in my living room, police and a lot of then. "What's going on?" I asked. 

"It's seems that a friend of ours is in trouble, and they're placing us at the scene with them." Grayson informed me. 

"Who?" I asked.

 That's when an officer walked over, "Miss, we're going to need to speak with you." he said. 

"About?" I inquired from him. 

"A Miss. Madalyn Cross, has been taken into custody and has informed us that these five young men, Grayson Church, Carson Church, Alfonzo Esperanza, Jasper Green and Scott Stryker. We're all apart of her actions." he said.

 "And you're taking her word, over theirs?" he shook his head. 

"They haven't left this town in the last week have they?" he asked me. 

"Nope. We've all been packing for NYU." I said with a smile. 

"I guess we're done here." he said turning away to leave.

Without a change in directive, I headed back to Scott's room. He was in the shower. Thank God, boy smelled like an entire football team. 

"I really can't believe you left me." he said getting out of the shower. 

"I'm sorry, but if you wanted to be back in jail, then let me go tell the officers they can have you." I said to him. He had a towel around his waist and his wet brown hair fell beautifully on his face. 

"Okay, I stand corrected." he said. 

"I really don't know how you deal with them!" I said sitting down on his bed. 

"Who?" he seemed to drift off. "The police? Thick skull." he laughed. He pulled on some clothes, 

"Are you really okay?" I asked him. 

"I'm fine. Just a little bummed out about my dad." he said. 

"So you knew the whole time, that John wasn't your father?" I asked, playing in his hair. 

"Sort of, my mom told me when I was younger, but I really didn't care. I was angrier then than now." he said. 

"I really don't believe you." I said. 

"Well, believe it. I did my term at county when I was about 15, I think." he said picking me up. 

"No way! Seriously. So I'm not just in love with a bad boy, but a criminal at heart." I kissed him. 

"Yes, who only has eyes for you." he kissed me.

We eventually emerged from his room, "He lives!" Grayson said. He's been picking up the slack from Carr this week, since Marcy's been his whole world. 

"So, how are things?" Marcy asked. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Your dying father!" she exclaimed. 

"Oh, well I called my mom. She says he's in the Virginia Penitentiary and he wants to see me, and he's not dying." Scott finished. 

"When are you going?" my mom asked. 

"I don't know." he said looking at a bowl of cereal. "

Well Maverick, I need you to take this to your uncle." she said handing me a small box. 

"Uncle Roderick? In the state Penitentiary?" I was confused. We don't talk about him, let alone visit him. 

"Yes, I know it's a long drive, but you could take the time to de-stress." she said with a smile. 

"I think we all know this is a ploy to get Stryker to see his dad, but if he doesn't want to go, he doesn't have too." my father said getting his morning cup of coffee. 

"And you're not going to see Roderick, ever." he stormed away with the small package.

"Well, I thought it over I'm going now!" Scott declared.

 "You want me to go with you?" I asked him. 

"I need to go alone." he said, heading out the door.

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