Merry Christmas kiss my Ass

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After all of the needless exposure, me, Garth and Nash were back to planning the comeback prank of the century. "So, the confetti cannons are in place." Garth said. "Ramps are in the perfect postion to jump the tree." Nash said. "So we're ready to go, right?" I asked flipping through the checklist. "Nope, costumes." Garth laughed. "Those are done, they're the usual black leather." I said. "Yeah right." Garth laughed. "Rosie, down at the cleaners, said we would want something a little more festive." He pulled out a brown paper bag decorated in red and green. Inside were three great outfits, the boys had red dyed jeans and green plaid shirts. "I can work with this." Nash said. I on the other hand, had a short strapless black dress with read and green fril underneath. "Rosie out did herself." I said. "Alright, now everythings done, we gotta get back." Garth said.


We pulled up to the house. Where just as we expected, the sheriff was on the front lawn. "Hey, Sheriff what's going on?" I asked. "I was about to ask you the same thing." he said. As anyone might expect the Sheriff and us go way back. "Are you three planning anything wild tonight for the festival?" he asked. "You and the boys can rest easy Sheriff." Garth said patting him on the shoulder. "I've got a shift at the bar." I said. "What about those two?" he asked. "I've got some friends in town, and they're looking after them." I said. "Hey Mavy." Carr, Fonz, Grayson and Scott walked up the walkway. "Hey guys." I said with a crooked smile. "Looks like you boys had fun." Nash said helping the boys out. "So, Sheriff Strauss are we cleared to partake in the festival?" I asked him. Sheriff started passing infront of me. "Dad, would you take it esay, she just back, I haven't been in trouble since she left and her friends just want to have some fun." Garth said. "Alright the three of you are cleard for the festival, but could you keep and eye on Mr. Bond." he said. This is exactly why you date and become bestfriends with the sheriff's son, so you can pull the best shit this side of the earth has ever seen.

After the dispersal of the entire Wangler Pointe police force left our front lawn, Garth and me made our way in to the house. "We're cleared." Nash lifted me into the air. "Would you calm down." I said. "You shouldn't even be in this, all the shit you've pulled while I was gone." He nearly killed Garth with his glare. "Can I have no secrets?" he asked. "No. Not with me." I told him. "I never could." he said pressing his forehead to mine. " Would you too cut it out." Scott shouted. "He doesn't deserve you and you know it." he said. "Stryker, would you calm down." Grayson said. "Sorry about that." Grayson said. "Scott do you really think that?" I asked him. "Of course, I do. I just wish you were still mine." he said. "You slept with Becky after all of us agreed that she was trying to come between us, I set an engeneering lab on fire." I said. "I know, and I'm sorry, I just didn't want to be alone." he said. "You desapperaed the weekend before that, you ran into John didn't you." I said. Scott lokoked away, "He's trevor's dad, I hate him, both of them. Trevor wants you and he always gets what he wants." Scott said. "I like him so much better drunk." Fonz said. "Me too." Nash agreed.


Carr, Fonz and Scott recovered from there woulderful drunkness and met Hayley and Marcy in town square. Grayson and Ethan had been hanging out lately, and would meet up with them later. Garth and Nash headed up to their spots and waited for the signal. Me and little Bond headed to the town center, dressedto kill. We walked down to the town square to see that everything was in position. Me and Sott are to be the guests of honor, him for Nascar and me for bringing the excitment back to town. I took my pace on stage, and after the mayor, Sheriff Strauss and Scott, it was my turn to show this town what they had been missing. "Ladies and gentlemen of Wangler Pointe, I just want to say how much I missed home." I said. "I just can't help but feel that this place is missing something." I put my guitar strap on and hit an edgy note, then you could hear the engines of two dirt bikes racing toward the stage. Nash and Garth, jumped the tree. I started playing Sweet home alabama and The confetti cannons blasted black and white pieces of paper. And to wrap it up, All Time Low's, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. "This one goes out to someone special." I said and winked at Scott. The town went crazy, and I couldn't believe that this comeback excitement would have worked. at the end of my 'speech', "Merry Christmas, Wnagler Pointe!" I yelled. The mayor went back up to the podium and thanked us for coming and lit the tree. After the dispersal of everyone in town, Scott grabbed my arm. "What was all that about?" he asked. "What are you talking about? I was just spreading a littl christmas cheer." I said pulling away from him. "I know I hurt you, but I just wanted us to get over it." he said. I laughed, "I've been over it, I've moved on. I think it's you who needs to get over it." I said walking away. Nash and Garth met me off the stage.

"I loved it." I said. "So, is she back?" Garth asked. "She was back once she crossed the county line." I laughed. "The Ring Leader has RETURNED." they yelled. "Mavy, this is so wierd seeing you like this." Hayley said. "Yeah it's good." "Did anybody else here a brother of mine?" I asked. "Mavy, really!" Nico said. My family was here. "Nico, Gunner, Rocket!" I gasped. "How did ou guys get here?" I asked. "We hich-hiked." Gunner said. "Do you guys even remember this place?" I asked them. The looked at each other. "Why wouldn't we?" Nico asked. "We'll be at the bar, and you know where Nash's place is right?" I asked them. "We'll be fine." they shouted at me, before running off. "We headed to the bar or what?" Carr asked. "Let's go." I said. We all headed to the bar. "Would you belive who I just saw?" Garth asked. "Who the three little demons of Wrangler Pointe?" Nash asked. I stopped dead in my tracks. "You guys did this?" I asked them. "It was Nash's idea." Garth said running to catch up with everyone else. "Merry Christmas, Starlight." Nash said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I hugged him. "I'm just sorry that you can't be with you're family." I said. "You get used to it after a while, but I've got a new family now you and Garth and little Bond." he said. "Change of plans." I heard Hayley say. "We're hitting the carnival." she said. "Want to cause a chaos?" Nash asked me. "Sounds like fun." I smiled, rejoining our friends. "Nash, Garth how'd you guys meet little miss Mavy?" Fonz asked. "Well, I used to be the good gy until I met these two." Garth said. "I was aways bad, which is how I ended up here." Nash said. "Fine I'll tell the story." I said.


Six year old me, in a pair of blue jeans and a plaid shirt. Jumps a barb wire fence on to Old man Richardson's farm. "Stupid chickens, why don't you just die." Six year old Nash yells and shouts. "I could make that arangement happen." I say. "Get off of this property!" he shouted at me. "I will as soon as I get a chicken." I said picking up a chicken and running off.


"That's how I met Nash, and we've been bestfriends ever since." I said. "Yeah, we get it everyone loves the stolen chicken story." Garth said. "Oh Garth calm down." I said.


12 year old Nash and me, hung in the hallway during school. "If it isn't Bonnie and Clyde." Raven said walking by. "Bonnie wasn't a slut either." Nash defended me. "She was just a damn good criminal." I said. "Whatever." Raven flipped her hair and walked away with the rest of the cheerleaders. "Now, go ask him." Nash coaxed. Across the hall was the blonde haired casanova by the name of Garth Strauss, quarterback of the football team and the untilmate good guy. "Alright, go start it off." I pushed Nash. Nash headed over to the group of football players. "Hey, Bond." Garth said. "Bond, why'd your parents dump you here?" Garth asked. That made Nash snap almost everytime. "How about I show you?" Nash pushed him against the lockers. I rushed over and tried to save Garth. "Nash, don't hurt the dumb guy he doesn't need to know how you ended up in Juvie." I said. "You're right, Starlight." Nash dropped him. "I'm starved. See ya later." Nash walked away. "Sorry about that." I said helping Garth up. "No, it's not your fault. Besides your boyfriend ther could never hurt me." Garth laughed. "One he's not my boyfriend. Two he an and would've hurt you if he ahd his way." I said. "I'm Garth by the way." he said. "Maverick, nice to meet you. I'll see you around." I said heading in the same direction as Nash earlier. Outside the building, "Well, if it isn't the best-actress of the town." Nash said. "You weren't too bad yourself." I sat next to him.


"That's how I met Garth." I said. "So the wo of you planned that whole thing?" Garth asked. "No, dude chill. I was leaving anyway." Nash said. "Geat stories you guys but let's hit this Festival before it's gone." Scott said. "Let's go!" I laughed. We spent the rest of the night going from ride to ride, eating everything from cotton candy to hot dogs. I ended the night doing the late shift at the bar, followed by closing and walking home with the best boyfriend this side of the Mississippi.

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