A Beauty & A Rose

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Two hours, forty five minutes, twenty seven seconds. My Mavy, has been out cold. The fire has been out for about the same amount of time. Rocket told me the story, and why this happened. Haley's been on the phone with Mavy's mom for an hour.

This guy brought her in the house, some firefighter. He's nothing like me, but he sure is smug with his golden brown hair and green eyes. 

"So, You must really care about her?" he said to me. I haven't left her side since I saw him carrying her. I wasn't talking to this guy, ever. 

"She's got him whipped." Carr giggled. A guy 6'7" almost 360, giggling what are the odds.

"We grew up together." he said. 

"Name's Stanley." he reached out to me, to shake my hand. 

"Stryker." I shook his hand. 

"I know. She doesn't stop talking about you." he said. I decided to move around, and not hover around her.

I decided to investigate this 'Stanley' guy, so I went to Hayley. Of course she was with Jaz. 

"Stanley, you're worried about Stanley." she laughed. 

"Who is he? Why is he here?" I demanded. 

Hayley took a deep breath, "Stanley Jameason, is his name. He's her protector, her big brother. He stays in town, and comes around sometimes." she said. My eyes were wide. 

"She doesn't tell people because whenever she does he vanishes without a trace." she said. 

"Thanks, Hayley." I said to her.

I went back up to check on her and she was awake, talking to him. 

"Hey sunshine!" I said to her. She didn't even look at me. I went to the kitchen, where I located a cold pizza with my name on it. I pulled the pizza out of the fridge and started eating it. I wasn't comfortable so I pulled off my shirt and walked around eating a box of cold pizza.

"Would you put a shirt on!" Marcy shrieked.

 "Make me!" I teased. She stormed away. 

"Hercules!" someone said to me, i turned to see Mavy and Stanley sitting on the couch together. 

"You okay Mavy?" I asked her. 

"This is Stanley." she said with a bright smile. 

"Hey Stan, Stryker." I saluted him. 

"Come here!" she said making a spot for me on the couch. I sat down with her in the middle and Stanley on the other end. 

"Two of my favorite boys." she said stealing a piece of pizza. 

"Hey," I said. "you stole that!" 

"And this." she kissed me. New Mavy seems a lot more lovey-dovey, than Old Mavy, both are still incredibly hot. 

"Get a room." Fonzo complained walking by. 

"Then leave!" I yelled at him. 

"Well, I guess I should say hello to the rest of the family." Stanley said getting off of the couch. 

"See you later man." I said to him. 

"See ya." He said walking away.

"So, are you okay?" I asked Mavy. 

"I'm fine. Just a little shook up." she said. I pushed the last of the pizza away, and wrapped her in my arms. 

"What's this on your arm?" she asked me. When I left I got a little down and got a drunk tattoo, which I don't actually regret. It was a tattoo of a rose with a pair of nerdy glasses. 

"I was losing myself, I decided to always have apart of you with me." I told her as she glided the pad of her thumb over the area of colored skin. 

"Always? How long have you had it?" she asked laying back onto my chest. 

"Since the day I left." I said kissing her cheek. 

"You really did this for me?" she asked. 

"I did this for us!" I told her. She turned around to look at me, I don't know whether it was her hazel-brown eyes or the fact that I had just now realized she was the one. I kissed her with more passion, more love and admiration than before. She kissed me back just as hard. This has got to be one of those times where something goes wrong! In the mist of our steamy make out session, 

"Mavy, could you open the door? It's freezing out here." a familiar voice yelled. 

"Got it!" Grayson proceeded to open the door. 

"Oh! Uh, didn't know you guys were still here." of course, the 'thinks he's competition' Dwayne. 

"I think she's in the living room." Grayson yelled. Stupid warnings! 

"Okay thanks." Mortal enemy #2 said. 

"Take light steps." Grayson told him, louder than before I might add.

Which caught Mavy's attention, "Why is Grayson screaming?" she asked. 

"I have no clue." Lie, I said to her. 

We continued our steamy make out session, which could have escalated further, until "Hey Mavy!" came around the corner.

"Woah! Maybe I should come back later?" He said. 

Mavy sat up, "No. What's up?" she said. 

I laid on half of the couch alone, "You ditched him for me, now you're ditching me." I said. She punched my leg. 

"What's up, Dwayne?" she said.

"My mom told me you came to the diner and looked kinda down." he said. 

"Well thanks for checking up on me." she said. I truly hate this guy. 

"What are friends for?" he said sitting on the nearest chair. 

"I mean it's not like we hang out every day." he continued. He was seriously trying to come on to her and she doesn't even know it. "We used to hang out like that, but we're both busy now." 

"We could hang out like that again at anytime." he said eagerly. I picked up my pizza and started eating again.

They talked about when they were kids for almost an hour. 

"Give Dwyane some pizza!" Mavy instructed. I almost shed a tear, I love this girl but she was making me give up food for a mortal enemy.

 I looked at her with disdain, "No! " I said sitting up, pulling the pizza closer to me.

 We exchanged angry expressions, "You're a real big city jerk." she said.

 I was taken back by that, "Too bad, you're a real small town beauty." I said starting to leave the room. I walked away silently, Dwayne didn't say a word.

I went to my room, finished my pizza and took a shower. 

"Scott? You in here?" it was Marcy probably looking for something. I just got out of the shower. 

"What do you want?" I yelled to her. 

"Just wondering if you were busy tonight." she said. I emerged from the bathroom, with a towel around my waist. I really don't care that my hair is dripping.

"Me and the guys are going out wondered I'd you wanted to come." she said covering her eyes. "And would you put some clothes on." 

"I'm just going to stay here." I said. I pulled on some boxers and some shorts. 

"See ya!" she said quickly running out the door.

What the hell was that all about?

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