Goodbye Small Town, Hello Big City (part 1)

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***A Month later***

Marcy is still here, trying to ruin my relationship. Mavy is getting over the fact that she almost killed her. Carr has recovered, from Marcy. We're all moving up to campus this week.

"Hey Beauty." I whispered to Mavy waking up in her room this morning. We've been spending a lot of time here. She looked so peaceful, I carefully slid out of the bed to go pack. I haven't started.

I make it to my debacle of a room, and begin to remove shirts and pants from the floor, and putting them into boxes and bags. With cleaning and packing, I found a black box, it was small. "Just like striking gold!" I said to my self holding the small box. Inside was a ring, a promise ring, it's Mavy's. A promise ring sounds really corny coming from me.

After packing up the rest of the stuff. I went back to join Mavy. She wasn't in her room, when I got there. She was across the hall talking to Fonz. "Just calm down." he told her. "What if he leaves again, or breaks up with me?" Mavy cried. "I can't lose him again." she said. I could tell she was crying and I shed a tear myself. I went to her room and entangled myself amongst her aroma that filled the air, only it was different: copper wire, lavender and oil. I laid on her bed and drifted away. "Well, there's your answer." I heard Fonz say. I slowly rolled over, "10 more minutes." "Thanks, Fonzie. I got this." Mavy said, she closed the door behind him. "Alright, big guy! We need to talk." she said. I slowly sat up. "Yes, my wonderful girlfriend. What shall we indulge in today?" I asked. She held up the small box, "This?" "Well, inside is a ring, I made it out of some copper and lead imprints." I said. "Who's it for? What's it mean?" she grilled me. "I made it for this amazing girl whose beauty is as wonderful as her use of power tools." I said, pulling her to the bed with me. I took the ring from the box, and placed it on her finger. "Besides, this does a lot better than my class ring, if I could find the little shit." I laughed. "Still, what's it for? It is beautiful though. You made it?" she was stunned. "Yes, I made it. I'm making a promise to you forever, even after I die. I'll still be yours." I said. She admired the copper band around her left hand ring finger. "Well then, looks like I can't top that." she said dancing around the room. She danced over to her vanity and opened a secret drawer. "It's not much but it would have b:een your birthday present." she said leaning against the vanity table. She tossed a miniature engine at me. "What's it mean?" I asked her. She pulled out a heart pendent on her charm bracelet. "If you put the engine over the heart, it fits. Saying that you jump start my heart." she blushed. "Damn!" I yelled. "What? You don't like it?" she whined. "No, I love it. It's a hell of slot better than my dumb ass promise ring." I said. She tackled me, "I love it." We kissed, we made out on her bed until being interrupted, "Whose driving?" Jaz yelled. "Guys? Seriously though." he complained. Mavy broke off, "Do I complain when your cutting off my bestfriends air supply?" she cut into him. "I'm driving to NYU, but I'm not driving you and Hayley to Columbia." I said sitting up. "Well, fine. Dude put on a shirt." he said. "I packed them all." I yelled behind him.


We packed up the cars and got ready to start the long trek to New York, but there was one thing that still hadn't happened. "Marcy are you still heading to Oregon?" I asked. "I was never going to Oregon. I've got one way ticket to Seattle Community College." she said.

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