Everybody hurts

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"I don't know what I'm gonna do Terri." I laid face down on my bed. I got back to the dorm around one in the morning, Terri was still up, and I couldn't go to Nash's. "You'll figure it out." she told me."It's not like your all alone in this, you've got friends." she tried to put a positive spin on the situation. Nico got kicked out of school, and out of the house. I can't help but to think it was all my fault.

"Hey chicas abren." Fonz knocked on the door. "I don't think she's in the mood to talk right now." Terri answered the door. "Then, she can listen." Braxton said, pushing Terri to the side. "You have to know that what were about to tell you is, crazy, stupid, arrogant,..." "Inconsiderent, reckless, iresponsonsible, and all done sober." Braxton started, Fonz finished. "What are you talking about?" I rolled over. Fonz sat down next to me, "If you want to kill him, I'll call his mom." he said. "Scott, did something dumb again and I have to clean it up." I rolled my eyes. "I really like your hair." Fonz moved it around. "So, who'd he piss of this time?" I asked. They both swallowed hard, after exchanging a series of intimidating looks, "He pissed of Garth." he said. "What did he do?" I demanded, it was like a bad dream that I wasn't waking up from. They described to me the irritating manner in which Scott pissed the hell out of Garth. "Terri's going to have to come with us to defuse this bomb." I said, standing up and heading for the door.

I called Nash and told him, he grabbed Warner and Nico, and they rushed over to Scott's. I banged on the door when we arrived. "You're hurting me." Scott yanked the door open. "Hey, sugar bear." he said to me. He had a stupid drunken grin on his face, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he drives down on the couch. I sat on the coffee table across from him. "He's smashed out of his mind." Fonz said. "Too bad, because I want him to feel every punch I land in that block head of his." Garth stormed in angrily. Warner, Nico, Nash and Terri kept Garth busy, while me, Brax and Fonz tried to get some answers out of drunk Scott. "I really don't think what I did wasn't so bad." he rambled. "I never even slept with Becky, she lies a lot. if you let tell it, she's slept with half the football team. Becky's a slut." he just keep going, I didn't care anymore about Becky or what could have happened, just now and the future. "What about Garth?" Brax asked him. "Garth is funny, he says he wants to be with Terri, but he's screwing your mechanics professor." he laughed. "I'm just joking, I was talking about Terri, and how hot she was and Garth attacked me, and told me that I should treat woman better." he said, then he passed out.

"You might have another bomb to defuse." Nico rushed over. In the kitchen, Terri and Garth were in a full blown argument. "Well, maybe I don't want to have to wait around for a man." Terri shouted at him. "Then, why don't you do something about it, if you hate waiting so much." Garth yelled back. "Maybe I will." she yelled at him. "Good." "Would you just kiss already." Warner complained. Terri grabbed his shirt and kissed him, who knew little shy Terri would do that, she was acting like a true bad girl now. "I heard it was an emergency." Carr and Marcy bursted through the door. "Calm down, we got it." I said. "Carr screws the girl down the hall on weekends." Scott said. Marcy stormed away, "We're over." "Marcy, come back." Carr chased after her. I just looked at Scott, "I like to tell jokes, jokes are funny." The mind of a criminal, ladies and gentlemen.


After, Scott's drunken assault on our friends, Marcy and Carr's breakup, and Garth and Terri getting together. This week couldn't get any weirder.

On the contrary, I was now standing in a beautiful three bedroom with in suite bathrooms, a full kitchen and living area apartment. "I really like this one, sis." Nico said checking the place out. "It's really nice." Terri said, she had agreed to move in with me and Nico. "So, is this the one?" The realtor, Orlando asked. I wasn't really sure, but Terri and Nico seemed to be. "I don't know, maybe the next one." I shrugged. "No way, it's like the fourteenth one today." Nico complained. "Seriously, it perfect. And it's the perfect building." Terri said, adding some insentive, since Nash lived down the hall. "Hey ladies, little man." speak of the devil, but Nash would really be more like his evil step-son. "Just thought that I would check up on my girl and see how everything was going?" Nash hugged me. "She's trying to back out." Terri ratted me out. "No way, babe you have to take it." he said. "I cannot spend another night, in your tiny dorm." he whispered to me. "I really just don't think this is the place." I said. "Okay, but I am not driving halfway across the city, to see you."Nash bumped me. "We have a place a couple floors down, it's rustic." Orlando told us. "How rustic, like firehouse rustic, with exposed brick, and metal piping?" I can't help but admit. I jumped at rustic, hell I loved it.

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