Good Bye Small Town, Hello Big City (part 2)

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"I was never going to Oregon. I've got a one way ticket to Seattle Commmunity College." she said. I stood there and looked at her. "I don't believe that." I said, "You should, she's a great liar." Carr said opening the fridge. "How many times do I have to apologize?" she asked him. Carr laughed, something that hasn't happened in a long time. "You really think a little apology will fix what you did?" he asked her angrily. "I'm really sorry." she said.  "I wouldn't hold my breath on that sweetheart." he said walking out.

"He doesn't do that to often, so you really got under his skin." I said. "I really think I should talk to him." she said.  "Talking to him, won't help." Grayson entered the kitchen. "My little brother, has never been good with words." he said.  "Come on you guys, I really can't have him mad at me like this." she pleaded. 

"Action! The only thing he will respond to at this point is action." Grayson told her. "And it'll have to be a pretty damn big one." "I still doubt that she could beat, then infamous Madalyn Cross." I laughed.  "No one has beaten Maddy." Grayson emphasized. Marcy stormed off, Grayson floated away and I retired to my room.

I had just, laid on my bed when I got a phone call from a blocked number. "Hello?" I said answering the phone. "I'm so happy to here your voice, Cap." a girl said, and it wasn't even my girl.  "I wish I could say the same for you." I said. "You know you miss me, but could you tell my Carson to call me." she said. "No!" I hung up the phone. Carr then bursted through my door, "Did Madalyn just call you?" he asked. I nodded, "Close the door." He did, and sat on the floor. "I really don't know what to do." he said. "You're still balls for brains about Maddy, aren't you?" I asked. "No, but she really did do a number on us." he said. "She isn't the girl I want to be with either." he continued, " I want to be with Marcy, but she'll never see me that way." he said. "Carson Church is easily described as; fun to be around, one hell of a fighter, a total lady killer,  and the worlds most interesting bad boy, right behind Scott Stryker, of course." I said to him. "If you really wanted Carr, you could have any girl! But if you wanted Mavy I would have to kill you." I finished. "Thanks man,  I really needed that,  and you know Grayson would've gone all mental on me." he laughed. He left my room as quickly as he arrived, I was alone again. So I went to sleep.


"I swear to god, if we wake him up,  he'll kill us." I could hear Jaz whisper. "Why did we end up being the ones who had to wake him up." Fonz squirmed. I rolled over, "You guys really are paranoid." I said to them, "Who told you to wake me up?" I asked them. "They said that you wouldn't care about it." Jaz said. "Mavy and Hayley." Fonz said, "I'm way to good looking to die." I sat up, "It must be time to go." I jumped out of bed and put on a shirt. I walked out to see the rest of my friends waiting for me.

"There you are." Mavy kissed me. "I missed you too." I said kissing her. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we." Hayley clapped. We piled into cars and rode bikes all the way to NYU. But we made a pit stop, dropping Jaz at Moore, and Haley to Columbia. Then continued to NYU, it was chaotic on campus, until we showed up. Everyone stood still. As usual, Fonz and Carr had the lead, aggressively telling people to move. "If you get blood on anything,  it'll be my fist." I heard Carr shout. "Chill out man!" I yelled to him.

We finally found a spot, and parked. "Would you believe that everyone is staring at us?" Mavy said. She was wearing a crop-top and her biker shorts. "They're staring at you." I told her. "How about we mark turf tonight?" I asked the boys. They nodded in agreement. "To bad that Jaz isn't here. He would love this." Fonz said. Carr was busy with Marcy, who did and even bigger action than Madalyn, she told the truth.

"I'll go check us in." Mavy said. "Okay, be careful." I kissed her neck and her lips. I watched her, make her way to a more chaotic area. I could see guys, students and parents looking at her. I hated it, but before I could move I was bombarded with girls. "OMG, you're muscles are so big." one said, grabbing on my shirt. "So you're the new quarterback? Go Bobcats!" another said. "Hey!" somebody yelled. "Would you get off the car, stupid bitches." Mavy pushed them away. She kissed me hard for them to see. "Maybe, we should've gotten here earlier." she said to me. "So, you're literally just going to kiss him and ignore us?" one girl said. "Yes, because he's mine." she said with a killer look. "I really am." I kissed her back. The all looked so defeated, Mavy laughed. "I think you got me and stray girls covered, but what am I going to do about guys looking at you?" I asked her. "Ladies, wait!" Fonz cried. "Forget about them, they're just eyecandy." Mavy told him. "There's a girl in the trees over there, she seems like the girl for you." I said.

We unpacked the car and got Mavy, Carr and Fonzo settled on campus then we drove about a block or two down,  where my mom got me an apartment. "New home, needs breaking in." I said to Mavy most specifically. "Guys, seriously?" Carr whined. "To bad, there here,  we could've started." Mavy whispered to me. "But we're not." she said with a smile, playing with my emotions. "So, how are we going to hang out, now?" Carr asked. That was the question! We're all doing our separate things, how ever will we find time for our little family?

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