Broken but not lost

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After about a week, Terri was really fitting in with us and our regular schedule, and was hanging out with Garth, a lot. I assumed everything was going good until, Terri called asked me to pick her up. I drove down to the Brooklyn Bridge where she told me to meet her. I found her crying. "Hey, sugar cube." I sat down next to her. "What happened?" I wrapped my arm around her. "He just wanted to use me." she wept. "Come on, let's get you home." I said helping her up. If Garth hurt her, he wouldn't hear the end of it from me.

Back in the dorm, Terri washed up and we changed into our pajamas and we hung out, with some movies. "You can tell me when you're ready." I nudged her. She took a deep breath, "I never had a sister, so I'm glad I have you." she said. "Tonight, wasn't what I thought it would be. Garth called me and asked me out but I had made plans with my brother last week." she said. She just freed Garth from a world of pain and suffering. "So, what happened?" I asked her. "He wanted me to work with him on the next race, and promised that Beyonca, his bitchy girlfriend, would be able to say anything about it." she started to cry again. "He invited you to dinner, said that you two would reconnect, but it turned out to be a trick, he just wanted to use you." I hugged her. "I know how it feels to be tricked by someone you love." I said. We enjoyed the rest of our night, uninterrupted.

"Maverick, we know your in there. We already went to Nash's." I heard Hayley yell. I rolled over to look at my alarm clock. "Hayley, it's six in the morning. I don't feel like talking, and Terri is knocked out." I opened the door. "We're here for you." Braxton said. "What did I do?" I asked. "It's not what you did, but what you're going to do." Marcy said slowly. I rolled my eyes and went to brush my teeth, put in my contacts and put on some light makeup. "Okay, who brought coffee." I exited the bathroom. the looked at each other. "Maverick, I got your coffee if you open up." Nash said from the other side of the door. I put on some blue jeans, an oversized sweater, and my converse. "Girls, we'll talk. Don't wake Terri. Let your selves out." I picked up my bag and left.

"One double Carmel maciatto, with an espresso shot, and a shot of Jack, straight." Nash handed me a cup, kissing me on the cheek. "Good morning to you, too." I said kissing him. He walked to class, "So, little miss birthday secret, what are we doing tonight." he asked, swinging my arm back and forth. "Come on, you knew that my birthday was in a month. I really didn't have anything planned tonight, but the girls have other things planned for me." I said. "Well, I guess someone will have to be your knight in shinning armour." he said, dropping me off at class. "He's Patrick Bravo." I said to him. "I'll kill him, if he looks at you." he said. Nash was literally burning holes in the back of the guys skull. "Don't do anything stupid." I kissed him. "Then, niether do you." he said. "I'd rather be burned at the stake for witchcraft." I walked in class.

Class was mor of a war zone. The jocks we had beat up last week, were still broken. Eventually, Patrick stumbled over, "So, it looks like you and the boyfriend, are still together." he said. "Yeah, and I don't need him to kick your ass." I said. "Well, how about we stop with the ass kicking and let's say you and me hang out a little." he moved closer to me. "Let's say we don't." I said slmming my pencil down. At this point I was happy it was lecture day, because no one noticed. "Calm down, okay. A date, then." he said. "The boyfriend, is very overprotective." I said. "He doesn't have to know." Patrick leaned in close to me. "Hold on there, Patty." I pushed him back. "What's wrong with you?" I asked him. "I must be smitten." he leaned in again. "You will get away from her, now." My knight in a gray hoodie. "Well, it's the boyfriend." Patrick leaned back into the chair next to me. "I forgot to give you back these." Nash said, pulling a pair of headphones from his pocket. "I've been looking for those. " I smiled. "So, do you think professor would notice if I hung out a little?" he asked. Of course she wouldn't, she couldn't even see us with at least 170 students in the lecture hall.

Nash sat down and put his arm around me. "So, I guess I'll see you later, doll face." Patrick said leaving. "In your dreams." I said. "I guess it's good that I remembered." Nash said. I sat through class, tyring to focus, but having Nash was really comprimising. Especially, if he bets that you'll give him a kiss, everytime your professer says fluid injector, which would happen to be the bases of the lecture itself.

My phone rang at the end of class, a call form my little brother Nico, "Top shelf to the left." I answered the phone. "What are you talking about?" he said sounding confused. "Being the great older sister that I am in that location, you will find a pregnancy test in your bathroom." I said. "One, thank you. Two, not the reason for this call, I've got to start looking at colleges soon, and I thought that the best place to start would be NYU." he said. "Sure, you should come up," I glanced over at Nash, who wasn't paying any attention. "next week would be goo for me, I've got a lot of studying, and the racing stuff and everything that's going, just give me a week to clear my plate." I said walking outside. "Uh, Suprise." I stood face to face with my little brother. "Nicolas Forester Jameason!" I said angrily. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "So, Starli...Nico?" Nash said coming up next to me. "Mom and dad kicked me out." he said. "You got kicked out." Nash said. "Nico, you're my little brother, I love you. How did you get kicked out?" I asked sitting on a bench nearby. "Well, I started skipping school after you left. Then, I got kicked out. After causing enough trouble around town, mom and dad said that they weren't taking it anymore. Yesterday, I came home and my key didn't work, that afternoon all of my stuff was outside. Sebastian wasn't answering and he already bailed me out once. So, I thought I'd call you." he said hanging his head. "Stay with Nash, the two of you don't cause any trouble." I said walking away, calling mom. "Hi sweety. We haven't heard from you, how've you been?" She asked. "I'm good. How's everything there?" I asked her, trying what she would say about Nico. "We're all fine." She said. "How are my boys?" She was silent for a while. "Ma, how are my boys?" I asked her again. "Gunner's going to be a sophomore soon, and Rocket a freshman. I'm proud of them." she said. "Mom, what's going in with Nico?" I asked her. "You know Nico, the rebellious one, just like you when you were growing up, down in Wrangler Pointe. I heard you went down there for Christmas, how was it?" She rambled on and on about everything except Nico. "Ma, did something happen to Nico." I wasn't playing games with her, I needed to know. "He ran away, three weeks ago." she wept. "I'll find him." I said and hung up.

I walked over to them. "Mom, says you ran away three weeks ago?" I yelled at him. "She's lying, her and dad kicked me out." he said, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. "I bought a bus ticket, when I thought about coming up here." he handed it to me. "Okay." I handed it back to him. "Bag?" I sat down in the bench and I took his bag of clothes. "I told you they just kicked me out." he said. "Clean. Nash could you go get my car?" I handed him the keys. "Sure." he said walking off to get my car. "Nico, would you tell me if you ran away?" I asked him. "You would be the only person I would tell." he hugged me.

I looked at me little brother, who wasn't so little anymore. He was sixteen, but he looked like he could be twenty-one. His hair was now golden brown and his hazel eyes matched mine. "Come on, before Nash realizes that I gave him the key to his apartment." I said. as me and my brother went to my dorm room.

"Terri, Nico. Nico, Terri." I said opening the door. "Mav, your like a sister, but please could you keep the guy ratio to a minimum." Terri complained. "He's my brother, Terr." I changed my shirt. "Hi." Nico shook her hand. "Starlight? Seriously, my own keys." Nash banged on the door. "Can Nico stay at your place until I can find an apartment?" I asked him. "Why not? He's technically my little brother too." Nash ruffled his hair. "What do you think, Nic?" Nash asked him. "It's no problem with me." Nico shrugged. "Have you met Garth?" Nico returned his attention to Terri. "The two of you would be perfect." he said. "I've met him, once." Terri manages. "Come one, you've got to remember him, he's tall, blonde, he's loud too. but he's a good guy, he's been like a brother to me." Nico said. There was probably not a bad thing he could say about Nash or Garth and most of the guys I've dated over the years.

I dropped Nash and Nico and Nash's apartment. And decided to start my hunt for an apartment.

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