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"Look at the slimy git." James sneered as he eyed the boy that the group had countless run ins with.

Severus Snape. Or Snevillus as the marauders called him.

No one knew what caused the hatred between the group and the boy to spike but their hatred for each other had lasted over the 4 years that had been at Hogwarts. And was not gonna change this years.

"Just ignore him." Remus tried as the group approached their usual transfiguration classroom.

"Watch this." Smirked James as he pulled his wand out and pointed it at the boy.

Just at James was about to utter a spell their usual and favourite professor opened her door giving the group a stern look.

"Minnie!" Chuckled sirius as he smirked while james pocketed his wand grumbling about bad timing.

"Mr Black, I have already told you countless times. Its professor Mcgonagall to you." The older woman spoke causing the rest of the group to snigger.

"Oh, come on. I thought we were on first name basis now, Minnie." Sirius tried again smirking causing the old woman to roll her eyes.

"Come on in class." She said as she stepped back into her classroom leaving the door open.

The students started to funnel into the room, a sea of red and green soon mixed and spread over the classroom as Gryffindors and slytherin took their seats.

The marauders, that was the groups group name. Named by Minnie herself. She had caught the group trying to prank the old caretaker back in their first year. When she had pulled them into her office for a stern telling off. She had told the group to stop Marauding around and it stuck.

The marauders took their usual seats as the back right of the classroom taking up three desks. James and Sirius leisurely took their seats at the back before dumping their bags.

Infront of them sat Juliet and Remus. Remus immediately pulled his books out encouraging the young girl next to him to do the same who sighed but followed what he said. The boy then ushered the other Marauder infront of him, Peter, to get his transfiguration books out ready for the lesson.

"Welcome back to Transfiguration." Mcgonagall spoke causing the room to fall silent.

"This year we will cover a range of spells and revise for your upcoming exams. So, I advise you all to pay attention in class. That's goes for you too Miss Wittle." Mcgonagall called causing everyone to turn around to look at the girl.

The girl had been listening until the two boys behind her began to poke her and get her attention. She had tried to ignore them just like Remus said but it got harder and hard as Sirius began to play with her hair.

She had turned round to see what they so desperately wanted her attention for but had got caught.

"Sorry Minnie." Called Juliet apologising. Juliet often got on well with Mcgonagall. She was her favourite professor.

"Its alright but please pay attention, Miss Wittle." The woman smiled causing Sirius and James to gasp.

Sirius leant over his desk so he could whisper in the girls ear infront of him.

"Suck up." He whispered with a smirk causing Juliet to chuckle and roll her eyes before leaning back to whisper.

"You're just jealous she likes me more than you." She smirked before they both returned to sit normally.

"As I was saying. I expect you all to hand in your homework on time, complete your course and homework to a good level and take notes in class. Do you understand?" The woman spoke as she glanced around the room.

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