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"Morning sunshine!" Sirius called as he yanked back the curtains that blocked the bright light causing a very hung over James potter to groan.

"Siriusss." Whined juliet as she covered herself with his blanket causing the boy to laugh as he crawled back into bed with the girl.

"Morning pup." Sirius smiled as he pulled the blanket down peering down at the girl.

"How are you not hungover?" Groaned James from his bed opposite the teens.

"I dont get them. Magic." Sirius shrugged as he looked over at the scarred boy.

"Morning Moony." Called Sirius causing the scarred boy to stretch his arms out but wave.

"Wormtail, you up?" Asked Sirius but the heavy snores answered for him.

"I just want to stay in bed." Whined juliet causing Sirius to lay back down with the girl.

"That can be arranged." Smirked the boy causing Juliet roll her eyes.

"Uhh, dont make me throw up." James groaned in disgust as he staggered into the bathroom.

"Hes soo hungover." Juliet laughed causing Sirius to nod and laugh too.


"Uhh, my head is killing." James groaned as he rested his head on the brunettes shoulder.

The group were now sat out in the courtyard in hopes that the fresh november air would help wake them up.

"I'm freezing." The girl shivered as she and James pulled the blanket they had decided to share around themselves.

"Uh oh. Avery at four o'clock." Peter whispers causing the group to groan.

There was no way any of them had the patience to be dealing with stuck up slytherins.

"Morning darling." Smirked Avery.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" Asked Juliet sarcastically as other slytherins joined.

"I just wanted to say thanks for the invite." Smirked avery causing the group to share a confused look.

"What invite?" Juliet asked just as confused.

"The Christmas ball you're holding. It's kind of our early engagement party." Smirked Avery causing Sirius to glare at the boy.

"What do you mean engagement party?" Glared Sirius as he stood up and crossed his arms.

"You didnt tell him?" Smirked Avery as he glanced at the brunette girl before chuckling.

"Shes no longer yours, Black." Avery smirked causing Sirius to ball his fists angrily.

"What's he talking about?" Growled sirius as she glanced at the brunette who groaned.

"Well, ever since you got your blood traitor ass disowned your betrothal was cut off. Shes mine now." Smirked Avery as he got in Sirius' face.

This only caused the Gryffindor to lunge for the slytherin only just being stopped by Remus who had grabbed him pulling him back.

"Stay away from her, Avery!" Sneered sirius angrily as he warned the slytherin who only laughed.

"Cant exactly stay away from her when I have her in my bed." Smirked the slytherin.

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