The snake pit

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The common room was coated in a dark eerie atmosphere. The black lake blocked out any sign of light from the common room.

"Its cold." Juliet shivered as the two teens grew closer to the dark common room.

"Which blood traitor did you get that from, black?" Sneered Mulciber as a group of older students surrounded the young slytherin boy.

"Its just a scarf." Regulus stated as he glared at the boy.

"A scarf of a traitor. You know the dark lord despises them. So which one?" Asked Mulciber again as he looked Regulus down like he was his prey.

"Was it that brother of yours or was it that slut of a Gryffindor wittle?" Smirked Mulicber knowing very well how to press the young boys buttons.

"Dont call her that!" Warned Regulus as he gripped his wand tight in his hand.

Regulus could very well understand why his brother hated the pureblood slytherins. They were all the same. Evil.

"Or what? What are you going to do?" Sneered Mulciber with an evil smirk knowing he was getting to the boy.

"Back off Mulciber." A voice came from the entrance to the common room causing the slytherins to whirl around shocked.

"Wittle." Sneered Mulciber in anger before glaring at the boy next to her.

Avery glanced at the girl one last time before taking a deep breathe and strutting to join the other slytherins.

"What do you think you're doing bring filth like that here?" Glared Mulicber as he watched avery like a hawk.

"Is it because you love her?" Added Crabbe with a smirk.

Avery glanced back at the girl as his shoulders dropped before looking back at the group.

"No it isnt. She has a quarrel with black." Avery stated not denying anything reminding Juliet of the conversation on the train.

Regulus looked at the girl worried. Whatever she needed from him she shouldn't of come here to ask him. It was a dangerous place at the moment for people like her.

"Aww, so poor little blacky needs a girl to stand up for him." Teased Mulicber causing all the slytherins to laugh at the boy.

"At least he doesnt need a whole group of people to make him feel brave." Juliet retaliated with a smug look as she folded her arms.

She took a minute to glance around the dark cold common that she was always meant to call home. She cringed at the colours and the theme thankful for being a Gryffindor.

"Love the decor its like your life, boring." Juliet commented as she came down the stairs to stop at Regulus' side.

"What are you doing?" Whispered Regulus worried as he looked between her and Mulciber.

"You're not safe here, you know that right? Down here you play by my rules." Mulicber threatened causing Juliet to roll her eyes at his pathetic attempt of scaring her.

"If you're trying to scare me you're going to have to do better then that." Chuckled juliet causing Mulciber to growl angrily.

"You're about as terrifying as a pygmy puff." Juliet smirked confidently.

Within a second Mulicbers anger over took him as he drew his wand pointing it at the girls face. This only caused a domino effect as Regulus and avery drew their wands pointing it at the boy. Mulicbers crew drew their wands pointing them at the two boys continuously glancing at them.

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