Alone time

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The dark haired boy took a deep breath as he pushed the dorm door openly plastering his usually smirk on.

The brunette girl was sat on his bed leaning back on her arms swinging her feet as she waited. Sirius couldnt help but notice that the girl had ditched her robes at the end of his bed. Only then did Sirius start to truly admire the work mother nature had done on the girl.

Her white shirt fitted nicely captivating her curves. She never did the two buttons at the top showing a bit of skin. The girl had now undone her tie but left it hanging around her neck loosely. Her skirt sat nice and high in sirius' mind. Showing her long legs off.

"You just gonna stand there?" Smirked juliet as she cocked her head to the side offering him a cheeky smile.

Sirius shook his head once again trying to push the thoughts away as he kicked the door shut.

"What's up?" Sirius asked as he threw his robe and bag next to the girl on the bed.

Juliet looked up at the boy who remained stood but that only seemed to make more dirty thoughts fill his head as she looked up at him through her eyelashes innocently.

"Well, I've noticed that we dont get to spend much time alone anymore." Juliet started as she sat up straight giving him the chance to look down her shirt by accident.

"Only now?" Sirius asked awkwardly as he averted his eyes from her chest to her face.

"Well, no. But only now have I found the perfect solution." Juliet smiled causing Sirius to raise an eyebrow intrigued.

"And?" He asked as he folded his arms.

"Well, marls introduced me to this ravenc-" juliet started but Sirius cut her off with a loud scoff.

"Yeah. Tyler. I know." Sirius stated annoyed causing the girl to raise her eyebrow confused.

"Who told you?" Asked Juliet curiously.

"Prongs told me. I know about it all. You know hes gonna just use you and parade you around the school till hes popular." Sirius began his rant as he let go of all the thoughts he had created since he found out.

"And I swear, I'll fucking kill him if he even thinks about sleeping with you-" Sirius continued causing Juliet to interrupt.

"What? Wait, what you on about?" She asked as she stood up causing Sirius to raise an eyebrow.

"Tyler." Sirius stated like it was the most obvious thing causing Juliet to cock her head at him.

"Oh, come off it. Anyone can tell he likes you. I just didnt think youd actually give him the time of day." Sirius stated causing the girl to smirk and shake her head.

"Nothing going on there. Well, I mean there is something going on but not what you think." Juliet explained now leaving Sirius confused.

If juliet wasnt getting with Tyler then why was she spending so much time him?

"Tyler's a muggleborn and a junkie." Juliet stated causing Sirius to raise his eyebrows still confused.

He had no idea where the girl was going with this.

"So?" Questioned sirius confused.

"So, that means hes the perfect person to get muggle cigs and weed from." Juliet stated causing Sirius to open his mouth in understandment.

Of course. The Ravenclaw had an older sibling that always sent packages to hogwarts. Packages that would mostly end up at parties and in the pockets of rebellious teens.

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