The Camping Trip

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The potter residence had changed since the incident at the concert. Mrs Potter was in an overdrive mother role. She fussed over her three children by not letting them leave the house.

This behaviour wasn't just the result of what happened to Juliet but also as the number of attacks increased. More muggleborns and blood traitors were being attacked by the day.

"Please mum!" Whined James angrily.

"No, it's not safe." Mia sternly stated not even bothering to look at her son.

She knew how he probably felt with her saying no but it wasn't safe. She couldn't risk losing her son.

"Oh come on. We've had this planned for months and I seriously doubt death eaters are gonna come looking for us in the woods." James angrily carried on as he leant against the breakfast table in the kitchen.

Juliet and Sirius stood side by side awkwardly. Of course, they wanted to go camping too but they knew how dangerous it was and didn't want to anger Mia.

"Fleamont, tell your son that he can't go camping because of the war." Mia turned to her husband who looked like he himself was suddenly being attacked as he looked over his paper.

"Why me?" He asked confused.

"Because he doesn't want to listen to me and thinks he know best." Fired Mia angrily, she was upset more.

"Dad. Please. Come on." James begged hopefully.

There was a pause as Fleamont turned to the other two teens. They were teens after all.

"Where are you staying?" He asked causing Mia to huff in anger.

"The Lake District. Around near Windermere. So, it's not really quiet. I bet death eaters don't even know it exists. We're only staying there for 2 nights. Come on please." James begged as he tried to reason with his parents offering them all the good things about this trip.

There was a pause as Fleamont glanced at his angry wife who stood with her arms folded giving him a stern shake of the head stating no.

But then he turned to the tree teens. James has put on his best begging face that wasn't working. It was more Juliet and Sirius. He bet the two teens had never been camping before and he could tell they wanted too but was too scared to ask.

"One night and you come back before lunch the day after." Fleamont wagered causing Mia to groan angrily and storm out the room as James jumped happily.

"Deal! Thank dad." James beamed as he dragged the other two teens away upstairs to grab their already packed bags.

"Come on, Mia. We were their age once." Fleamont stated as he go out of the arm chair.

"Yes but there wasn't a war going on then." Mia grumbled as she scrubbed the plate harder.

"Locking them in is only going to make it worse." Fleamont added as he stood beside his wife.

The woman released a sigh as her shoulder dropped.

"I know. I just want them to be safe. That's all." Mia turned to her husband with a worried look.

"They are smart kids, Mia. Plus, they have Juliet. She's a strong girl." Fleamont added gently as he pulled his wife into a hug.

She returned the favour back as she closed her eyes before mumbling out.

"Yes but she shouldn't have to be."



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