Dancing queen, only seventeen!

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The time soon came around to the birthday of a certain Pureblood born on the 3rd November. A scorpio. The annual birthday party usually commenced the weekend following the birthday.

Sirius' birthday had come and gone. With no presents from his parents or his brother, he was down hearted. But the presents he did receive didnt go unnoticed or uncherished.

The boy had received a leather jacket from Juliet, some Queen merchandise from the scared boy, a stash of sweets from the chubby boy, a communicating mirror from James and then there was the Potters.

Mr Potters had sent the boy his first pocket watch with a note saying that every young wizard should receive a pocket watch on his seventeenth birthday. And well, Mrs Potter she had sent him some freshly baked Potter cookies that were still slightly warm when he recieved them.

The boy enjoyed his birthday since he had come to Hogwarts. He was lucky he could share it with his friends and was often excited for party.

"It look perfect guys, dont you think?" Asked james with a smirk.

The group were currently preparing for the party which was happening that night. The scarred boy spent the time hanging decorations round the common room. The chubby boy sat by the fire blowing balloons and the speckled boy bossed them round until everything was perfect.

"Has anyone seen Paws?" Asked james as he placed his hands on his hips thinking.

The girl had be ordered to keep Sirius out of the Gryffindor common room until james came to get them but the chubby boy had seen Sirius with one of his flings near the kitchens with no Juliet in sight.

"No. But she wasnt with Sirius." Peter stated causing the scarred boy to shrug.

"Maybe she remembered something we forgot for the party." Suggested remus.

It was true. The boys always had a tendency to forgot the small details which Juliet would fix.

"Guys! Guys! We did it! We did it!" A cheerfully shout was heard as the common room door swung open revealing the brunette girl.

"Did what?" Asked peter confused as he shared a look with the other two boys.

"The map. I finished it. It works!" The girl squealed excitedly causing the speckled boys face to light up with excitement too.

"No way! Show me!" Order james as he sped over to the girl who had laid out a folded piece of parchment out on the table.

"Okay, watch this." She smiled as the other two boys joined the two excited teens at the table.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Juliet spoke as she pointed her wand at the parchment.

Merely seconds later ink started to appear on the parchment causing the boys to move closer.

"You actually did it!" Laughed the scarred boy shocked as the drawing of Hogwarts appeared.

It was known that the girl was extremely artistic as well as Sirius. Which caused them two to work on the design of the map together.

"So, it shows everyone at Hogwarts?" Asks James as he opens the map watching the tiny names dance around the paper.

"Yep, even the professors. No more getting caught for us." Juliet smiled excitedly.

The girl had been determined to finish the map before Christmas break. Sirius was meant to help finish the last if the designs but the boy was helpless. He kept forgetting leaving it for the girl to do.

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