The incident

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The sun rose the next morning shining through the dorm window slowly lighting up the dorm. Remus had been the first to wake causing the boy to yawn and stretch out before glancing around the dorm.

James laid lightly snoring still with an arm hanging off the bed. Peter was still fast asleep. Then the scarred boy looked over at the boy and girl smiling. Juliet was still surprisingly fast asleep calmly breathing as she still remained tangled with Sirius who was slowly waking up.

The boys grey eyes met with the scarred boy before smiling and giving him a sleepy wave.

"Morning." Whispered remus causing sirius to hum back.

"Did she wake again?" Asked Remus as he sat up in bed watching the other boy.

"No." Sirius whispered as he yawned before looking down at the girl with a smile.

The scarred boy wore a knowing smile as he watched Sirius move some hair from Juliets faced that must of fallen in the night. The rest of the marauders believed that both teens felt more for each other than they would let on.

"Shit." Sirius cursed quietly causing Remus to look at the boy again.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Its first day of lessons. We have to get up." Sirius explained as a groan came from the speckled boys bed.

"Hmm lily-" the boy muttered causing the other two to snigger quietly trying not to wake anyone up.

"Is he awake?" Sirius snigger causing Remus to shake his head before picking up his pillow.

"He will be." Remus smirked as he threw the pillow at the boy starling him awake and causing him to fall out of bed.

Remus and Sirius both quickly covered their mouths as they laughed quietly not want to wake the girl up.

"What was that for?" James groaned sleepily as he crawled back into bed tossing Remus his pillow back.

"First day of lessons." Remus whispered causing James to groan out annoyed.

The boy quickly sat up putting his glasses on startling the other two boys.

"Howd she sleep?" James asked concerned as he looked over at Juliet who had her face tucked into sirius' neck sleeping soundly.

"She didnt wake again." Sirius stated with a small smile.

"Who do we have first?" Asked Remus as he reached for his timetable.

"I think its minnie." Sirius guessed as he watched the scarred boy scan over his timetable before nodding.

"Yeah, we have her first two periods." Remus stated causing James to begin his thinking.

"You and paws stay here." He stated as he looked at Sirius.

"Why?" Asked Sirius slightly confused

"Let her catch up on as much sleep as she can. We'll come up with something to tell Minnie." James shrugged as he stretched his arms out causing Sirius to nod with a small smile.

"Okay. But you gotta wake wormtail up." Sirius said as he nodded to the snoring boy that wasnt making a sound.

"You muted him, didnt you?" Remus asked with a knowing smirk.

"I didnt want him waking paws up." Sirius stated truthfully causing the other two boys to nod.


The three teens had managed to get ready without waking the girl up and had left about an hour ago now. Sirius had tried to fall back asleep but failed miserably.

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