Closer than ever

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The brunette girls bright blue eyes meant the red haired girls green ones. Both held so much emotion. The green ones; guilt, sadness, fear and hope. The blue ones; sadness, hurt, worry and slight anger.

"Yeah, sure." Juliet breathed out bravely.

Lily followed as Juliet lead her up to the dorm for a more private venue then the nosey eyes and ears that the common room held.

Lily closed the door gently before slowly turning to Juliet immediately fiddling with her fingers anxiously not knowing how the girl would react.

"I want-" lily began but Juliet cut her off gently.

"Lily." Juliet tried gently.

"No! Please let me talk first." Lily stated sternly wanting to explain herself to her friend.

Juliet was surprised by the girls stern voice in all her years she had known her she only used that tone on james.

"I want to apologise. I shouldn't have reacted that way and I shouldn't have listened to the rumours." Lily gently spoke explaining the first things that came to her mind.

"James was right. I'm meant to be your friend and I chose to fear the rumours instead of talking to you. It's not fair what you went through in your childhood." Lily continued to ramble causing Juliet to furrow her eyebrows confused.

"How do you-" juliet trailed off as she thought hard. She knew she hadn't told. She hadn't told the girls anything. She wanted to protect from that as much as she could. She thought it was bad enough that the boys knew.

After all, the brunette had done everything she could to ensure that both the girls and the boys would never find out. But of course, remus had noticed. And she knew Marlene knew something was going on but had chosen not to approach it.

"James kinda told me." Lily muttered.

"In his defense, he was defending you and it just came out." Lily added a little clearer causing Juliet to smile ever so slightly.

"You're defending him?" Juliet asked causing Lily to roll her eyes.

"I'm trying to apologise to you and have a serious conversation and you're more concerned about me and James." Lily shook her head with a small smile.

The room filled with a small pause of silence. Juliet hated having a serious conversation about her childhood, or anything to do with her childhood in general.

"Why didnt you say anything?" Asked Lily as she took the seat next Juliet on her bed.

"Its just not something you tell people." Juliet confessed with a small shrug.

Which was true in most cases. Especially for juliet. She chose to suffer in silence for years focusing on helping her friends then getting help herself. But how did you ask for help?

"Oh hey guys, did you have a good summer? How did mine go? Oh you know just got the usual crucriatus curse used on me, had bloodtraitor carved into my skin and was disowned. Just the usual." Joked juliet trying to make light of the situation.

I mean, that's all she could do. If not she might cry and the whole reality on the situation would come crashing down on her all over again.

Lily didnt understand the situation Juliet was in until that moment. An unforgivable curse, disowned, scar?

James didn't mention to much but clearly Juliet thought he had. She knew how he got when he was excited or angry.

The red hair grabbed at the brunettes arm gently but Juliet still flinched. She always did when it came to the arm with the scar on it didn't hurt but she always flinched. Lily chose to pull the sleeve up and immediately gasped. She brought her hands to her mouth to cover it.

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