Over privileged

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The start of the school year started off as the usual except for the uneasy atmosphere that crowded the great hall the next morning as news paper and letters were delivered.

"Theres been another attack." Remus mumbles as he opens the newspaper that his owl had dropped off.

"What?" Juliet asked shocked as the group crowded around the scarred boy to be able to hear him better.

"Listen to this: thought to be the work of a dark wizard as another muggle born family is killed." Remus read for the group to hear.

Of course, over the summer there had been a few muggle born family and half blood families that had died. No one had linked them together till an auror had noticed similarities.

"Do you think it's you know who?" Whispered Peter in fear as Juliet tensed up at the mention of the man.

Flashbacks of her last night of Wittle manor flooded her brain. The pleads of the family. The snake like eyes, the flash of green and the evil crackles that filled the room.

"Jul." Sirius shook her gently once again pulling her back to reality as the group looked at her worried.

"Are you okay?" James asked concerned.

Over the summer James had seemed to mature and notice small habits his two friends had. He noticed the nightmares they had, he noticed how they relyed on one and other.

Of course, once the potter received the first newspaper stating the attacks Mrs Potter had immediately put a stop to the three teens reading the daily newspaper. However, teens got their friends to send them it in their letters.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Juliet nodded as she pushed a smile on her face.

Sirius rested a gentle hand on her thigh rubbing his thumb on it giving her a small smile. The girls stomach filled with butterflies for some reason she couldnt understand as Sirius rested his hand on her bare thigh in comfort.

"How many attacks does that make it now?" Juliet asked in attempt of pushing her mind off it.

"About three or four. But I dont think itll end any time soon if I'm honest." Remus explained as he closed the paper and pushed it away.

"Yeah and I bet half of the slytherins know something about it." Sirius glared across the great hall to the table in green.

"James, what's wrong?" Asked peter as he noticed how his speckled friend had been gazing down the Gryffindor table.

"The attack have mostly been on muggle borns." James stated allowing his friends to follow his gaze which of course was rested on the red haired witch that was happily chatting with Marlene.

"Lily will be okay." Juliet reached across the table to place a hand on James' in hopes of comforting him.

"Yeah mate. I'm sure they'll catch someone soon." Sirius added with a confident encouraging smile.

"Siri!" Cooed a high pitched voice causing Sirius' smile to drop and his head as well.

"For fuck sake." He mumbled causing the group to snigger quietly at the boys misfortune.

Emily his fling before the school break had seemed to of become slightly obsessed with Sirius. Sending him love letters and trying to arrange dates.

"You're girlfriends here." nodded juliet as she tried not to laugh at the boys misfortune.

"Quick! Hide me!" Sirius begs the group.

"Where? In my bag?" Laughed Remus sarcastically causing the black haired boy to groan as the girl sat next to him.

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