Godrics hollow

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It soon came around to the time of the ball and just as the marauders had expected the Wittle parents weren't to be seen as they ordered house elves around to ensure that part was perfect.

So the Manor was bursting with life as skinny creatures scurried around carry decorations, ornaments and much more larger thing twice their size. Another person to be not be seen was the daughter.

The young brunette girl tugged her denim jacket on before slipping her wand in the pocket of her jeans. The girl glanced at the clock in her room. It was current 4:45pm. She needed to leave. The girl quietly clicked her bedroom door open before peering out and checking the coast was clear.

This was gonna be harder than the girl thought. Even since sirius had left the Black family the Wittles had become more strict with the girl to prevent her from leaving: placing charms on the windows so they couldn't be opened without alerting her father and even getting house elves to snitch on the girl.

She slowly and quietly shut the door behind her before creeping down the corridor to the far end where a stair case that lead to the kitchen was. She stepped down causing the stair to screeching causing the girl to freeze and look behind her.

Lucky, no one was there which meant no one had heard the noise causing the girl to breath out in relief before continuing down the stairs quickly before pausing at the bottom. The girl peered around the corner groaning when she noticed a number of house elves scurrying around the kitchen.

"This is impossible." Groaned juliet quietly.

"Mistress Wittle?" A voice came startling the girl as she whirled around to see Evine stood behind her.

"Evine. Please dont tell my parents." Begged the girl immediately but the elf nodded respectfully.

Evine had a soft spot for the girl. Evine had been the Wittles main house elf for years and had often looked after the young girl when her parents couldnt be bothered too.

"Did you need something Mistress Wittle?" Evine asked causally causing the girl to shake her head before glancing at the door.

Evine caught on as she turned to look at the door and then back at the girl.

"You're going to meet your friends arent you?" Asked the elf with a small smile.

The girls shoulder slumped in sadness. She had been caught.

"I was going to godrics hollow but I'll go back." The girl sighed sadly.

She would miss the only opportunity of happiness over the Christmas period but the elf grabbed the girls hand before flicking her fingers causing the girl gasp before landing in a small wizarding community.

No longer in the dark and dingy manor but outside where the snow fell lightly. The girl glanced around the town that was full of laughing and merry witches and wizards. The girls eyes fell onto the larger house.

"Godrics Hollow." The girl gasped happily before looking at the house elf who was smiling.

"But Evine, if they find out-" the girl started causing the house elf to shake her head.

"Go. I'll be back to pick you up at 6PM sharp." The elf informed causing the young girl to bend down engulfing the elf in a hug that stiffened before relaxing and hugging the girl back.

"Thank you." Juliet smiled as she stood up watching the house elf disappear before turning back to the house.

She took a deep breathe before walking towards the house holding her bag tighter. The froze at the door as she raised her hand about to knock when she heard shouting.

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