Back to old ways

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"So..." sirius trailed off awkwardly as he closed the door behind him turning to face the scarred boy.

"Why did you do it?" Asked Remus cutting straight to the point with the boy.

Sirius' shoulders dropped as he sighed letting his head fall. He knew this conversation would have to happen at some point but that still didnt stop the boy from hoping it would never happen.

"I was trying to help." Sirius muttered out quietly as he rubbed the back on his neck causing Remus to scrunch his nose up.

"Trying to help? You thought telling snape would help?!" Remus raised his voice annoyed as he crossed his arms furiously.

"No! No. Of course not. I -" sirius sprang to life as he lifted his head to look at the angry boy.

"Thought it would be funny?!" Remus cut the boy off causing Sirius to groan frustrated as he gripped at his head.

"What's the point of me explaining myself if you wont even give me the chance to speak?!" Snapped Sirius silencing the room as Remus let his arms fall by his side.

The dark haired boy was right.

"Sorry, go on." Remus nodded encouragingly causing Sirius to breathe out.

"The plan was never for snape to find out. I never wanted that. He was never even meant to go to the whomping Willow." Sirius began to explain causing Remus to furrow his eyebrows.

"It was meant to be reverse psychology. He was meant to drop the idea of you being a werewolf. He was just meant to think it was some sort of marauders thing." Sirius finally told the truth as Remus listened carefully.

"So, no. It wasnt for fun. I didnt mean for him to find out. And I most certainly didnt want anyone getting hurt, especially Jul." Sirius stated forcefully.

"If I could of, I would of taken the attack not her. At least I would of deserved it." Sirius muttered the last part but the scarred boy had heard and his shoulders dropped.

He didnt want anyone to get hurt and for Sirius to think he deserved it made Remus feel all the more guilty. Juliet was right, he should of let Sirius explain.

"So, I understand if you hate me and if you never want to speak to me again but please can we get on around the others. Because the marauders is all I've got." Sirius begged seriously.


"Do you think they're friends again?" Asked peter breaking the silence in the quiet common room as he fiddled with his fingers..

"They will be." Juliet shrugged as james groaned in annoyance.

"How long are they gonna be?" Whined james in boredom.

Just then they could hear distant laughing growing closer causing them all to sit up and look towards the stairs to see the scarred boy and the black haired boy.

"Sorted?" Asked Juliet with a hopeful look causing the boys to share a smile.

"Yeah." Both boys stated causing the three to jump up happily.

Juliet was first to run at the boys engulfing both of them in a tight hug before joined by james and peter.

"Thank merlin for that." Juliet smiled as she looked up at Sirius who was smiling down at her as they all let go.

"So, what now?" Asked peter confused.

"Well, let's head for dinner." Remus suggested causing the group to nod.

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