An act of kindness

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The rain hammered down from the black clouds on to the pale white skin mixing with the salty tears and the red blood. The black clothing soaked the rain up as did the brunette hair clinging to the girls face.

A flash of lightning lit up the sky as the girls bright blue teary eyes stared at the black door. The wind howled loudly as the girl shook in fear and the cold rain hitting her skin. A low rumble echoed across the sky.

Juliet inhaled and exhaled rapidly as she attempted to calm and control her breathing. The girl had remained on the hard gravel for five minutes now. She had caught sight of the small elf who shared a sympathetic look before slowly shutting the last set of curtains blocking the light in.

The girl remained out in the dark hours of the morning. Juliet sobbed quietly in pain and fear as she slowly began to muster up the strength to move. She needed to get out of her.

She crawled towards her clothing that laid on the dirty floor around her trunk next to her bag and wand. She winced from the pain on her arm that still had large amounts of red liquid trickling down it. The girl must of hit her head during one of her falls as blood trickled down one side of her head and on to a top.

She scurried as she shoved the soaking clothes into the trunk that had begun to collect water in itself. She violently shut it, clicking it shut before using the trunk as a support as she staggered to stand up.

The girls weak legs shook violently as they fought to hold the girls weight. She leaned down picking up her bag and wand slinging it over her body wincing at the pain in her ribs. The hard pointy stones stabbed her feet as she had lost her shoes.

Juliet looked back at the tortuous wittle Manor with eyes full of salty tears. The manor that had been her home. That had been the cause of her suffering, pain and torture stood as proud as ever. She caught one last glare from the dark pair of angry blue eyes that peered from the balcony watching her like a predator. The man turned walking inside shutting the balcony door causing the girl to heave in air before turning to the exit of the estate.

Juliet slowly began to stagger across the hard stones tugging the heavy trunk behind her weakly towards that large silver gates.


The girl had been walking for hours now shivering in the cold December wind and rain.

"Excuse me! Wait!" The girl choked out as another vehicle passed the shivering girl without a second glance.

"Please." The girl sobbed in a croaky voice as she watched the lights fade into the darkness.

It was now early hours of the 25th of December, Christmas day. A time for giving and joy. While many spent the hours sleeping peacefully in their beds without worry, the girl remained abandoned outside in the harsh weather.

Another clash of lightning came as the angry rumble growled from the sky causing the girl to jump in fear. She had been walking down the country lanes for a while now all alone.

The girl stopped for a moment as her feet ached and bled from the stones at the manor. The red substance still flowed down the girls arm making her dizzy and even more paler than before. Her head pounded angrily and throbbed from the violence it had received only hours ago. Her body trembled weakly in the cold as the rain continued to batter down harshly.

Juliet dropped to her knees weakly as she slumped up against the side of her trunk weakly. She sobbed quietly as her grip on her wand weakened. She was as good as dead. Just as the girl began to close her eyes losing all hopes that was of course until a loud echoing horn was heard through the hammering rain in the distance.

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