Gryffindor conflict

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"Why are you defending him?!" Yelled the red haired girl as she grabbed at her hair in frustration.

The two girls had been arguing for about 10 minutes now after not speaking the night before.

"Because hes my friend and you dont know him like I do!" Juliet stated sternly.

The girls didnt want to argue but the events of yesterday still hadnt been forgiven.

"No, but I do know hes an arrogant toe rag and a bully!" Yelled lily angrily causing Juliet to glare at the red haired girl.

The other girls in the dorm had sat on Marlenes bed watching the two stubborn girls argue it out.

"Ha, please! Youre only saying that because it's your little slytherin boyfriend." Laughed juliet as she shook her head in disbelief.

"You have no idea what Severus goes through." Lily stated as she crossed her arms.

"And you dont know what the marauders go through. Snape got what he deserved." Juliet shrugged as she went back to packing her bag.

The whole incident had occurred when the red haired girl spat insults about the speckled boy and his group.

"How can you say that? He broke severus' nose!" Lily stated annoyed and glared at the blonde that sniggered.

If the other girls had to admit it they were more on Juliets side then they were Lilys. None of them could stand Snape and would rather spend time with the marauders.

"He called us over privileged." Juliet stated causing the red haired girl to scoff.

"Oh please. You are! You have rich, well respected families and can get whatever you want! You lives are perfect!" Lily shouted causing the brunette girl to snap.

"Shut up!" Juliet screamed frightening the other girls as she pointed at Lily with a warning look.

Lily stepped back shocked not expecting that from the girl and for a moment she thought she could see tears in her eyes.

"You know NOTHING about the battles we fight!" Juliet spat as she approached the girl in fury.

"And you dont know James! You only choose to see what he does wrong instead of seeing what he does right! And if you took a minute of your damn precious time you would notice that james puts himself last when it comes to the people he cares about!" Juliet defended her friend that had quite literally saved her and her friends lives.

The dorm fell silent as the brunette breathe heavily trying to calm herself down before looking into the green eyes of her friend.

"So, drop it!" Juliet sternly stated before turning abruptly and grabbing her bag and slammed the dorm door behind her leaving the girls gobsmacked.

Lily looked at the other girls for some sort of sympathy. But they couldnt speak for a moment.

"You went too far." Marlene was the first to speak as she grabbed her bag and ran after the brunette girl.


"Jul! Jul, wait up!" Called marlene as she pushed through a group of Ravenclaws as she ran down one of the many flights of stairs.

The brunette still filled with anger chose to ignore the girl. She didnt mean to snap at Lily but she had no idea what they went through.

"Jul!" Marlene grabbed the girls arm pulling her to a stop as she tried to catch her breathe.

"Oh my god. You're fast." Gasped marlene with a chuckle as she stood catching her breathe.

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