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"So, care to explain?" Juliet whispered as she sat on Marlene's bed as she got dressed.

The rest of the girls in the dorm were fast asleep wrapped up in their beds. So the girls knew they had to be quiet.

"Okay okay. So, you know that ravenclaw girl called dorcus?" Marlene started as she pulled her hair into a ponytail before sitting next to the brunette girl.

"No way. You didn't?" Smiled Juliet happily.

She knew the blonde fancied the other girl but she never thought she would make a move.

"Well, we were studying together and she made a move. It then turned pretty heated." Marlene explained happily causing Juliet to smile giddily.

"I'm so happy for you. So, are you girlfriends?" Asked Juliet intrigued.

She could clearly tell that the ravenclaw girl liked the blonde. She thought it was obvious but Marlene not Dorcus could see it.

"No. Not yet at least. I've got to win her over properly I suppose." Marlene explained before turning to the brunette with a smug look.

"Anyway, I want to hear what I walked in on." Beamed Marlene excitedly.

Anything to do with Juliet and Sirius, Marlene wanted to hear it. Not because she was jealous or she envied Juliet because she thought they belonged together.

The blonde noticed everything the two teens didn't, even when she had a fling with Sirius. She noticed the hidden glances, the gentle touches, the closeness, the jealousy from Sirius of Juliet was even caught speaking with another guy.

"So, yesterday me and Sirius sort of had a moment. I mean. I'm not sure you'd call it a moment but we kissed." Juliet explained happily feeling better for getting it off her chest.

It had been bothering her for a while now and she felt like she couldn't tell the boys because no doubt Sirius had already spoken to them.

"You kissed!" Beamed Marlene loudly as she woke the other girls.

"Shhh!" Juliet hushed as she tried to cover the blonde's mouth with her hands.

"Hmmm, who kissed who?" Lily had been the only one to wake as she sat up stretching.

"Me and Dorcus." Marlene quickly covered for the girl causing Juliet to sigh in relief.

She knew there would be more of a drama and girly gossiping if she said Sirius and Juliet. The whole form would be awake in seconds wanting to hear all about it. Marlene knew Juliet would hate it.

"Oh, nothing new. But hey, I'm happy for you. But I'm going back to sleep." Lily smiled tiredly and happily before laying back down.

This caused the other two girls to giggle as the red haired buried herself in her blankets once more and even closed the curtains around her bed.

"So, how did it happen?" Marlene asked excitedly.

She wanted to hear it all.

"Im not sure. It just did. But we didn't have chance to talk about it until tonight but I think it almost happened again." Juliet explained as she played with her hair nervously.

The brunette mind was plagued with thoughts of her and Sirius. What did he feel?

"How did it feel?" Marlene asked happily as she focused properly.

"It was amazing. It just felt right if you know what I mean. Like it was perfect but-"

"But?" Asked Marlene confused.

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