The start of 5th year

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The September evening was chilly. The students sat at their house tables indulging in the feast before them. The sorting ceremony had already taken place. On the Gryffindor table near the end at the door sat three boys. James, Remus, and Peter.

"Where are they?" Asks James as he continued to glance around the room and other tables in hopes of spotting his other two best friends. 

James had grown a lot taller now. His raven hair remained its usual untamed mess, and the boy's glasses never seemed to change either. The boy had a pair of black trousers on with his white shirt with his tie not tied.

"They went to speak to McGonagall. They do it every year. They'll be back in a minute." Remus shrugged as he took a drink of his pumpkin juice as James slumped.

Remus grew taller too. His hair grew slightly but he too grew to look handsome. He wore a white shirt covered by a long sweater with his tie tied neatly. His shirt is tucked into his trousers. The boy had gained a few more scars through his years. Peter remained quiet as he munched away at the feast. The boy had lost most of his chubby ness. The boy looked a little similar and taller but dressed in a white shirt that wasn't tucked in that was also covered by a sweater. His red tie was tied loosely along with some trousers.

The doors to the great hall opened slowly revealing the two Gryffindor's that James was so desperate to find causing his face to light up. The young brunette girl had matured a lot as she began to earn her female features. Her long brown hair sat in its normal waves that flowed down her back. Her bright blue eyes scanned the Gryffindor table before meeting James' blue ones. The girl wore a black skirt that reached just below her mid-thigh, her white shirt wasn't tucked in and her tie was loosely tied around her neck.

She nudged the boy next to her causing him to look up. The boy had grown extremely handsome during his puberty years. His black hair was straight, his grey eyes shone with the same mischief in the first year. The boy wore a pair of black trousers, his white shirt was roughly tucked in with part hanging out, and as for his tie. He never tied it. It hung loosely around his neck.

"There she is. I see you." James smirked as he pointed at the girl causing her to smile as she grew closer.

"I see you too." She points back happily.

"I'm checking you out." James added as they pretended to look at each other.

"No, I'm checking you out." She replays as she reaches the boys and sits down next to a now laughing James and opposite Sirius.

"So, how was our dear Minnie?" James asks as he finally began to eat now he knew where his two best friends were.

"Just the usual. About summer." Sirius shrugged as he took a drink of pumpkin juice the three boys shared a worried look.

Throughout the previous summer, the black-haired had been disowned by the black family before returning the summer before his fifth year. Through their years at Hogwarts, it came aware to the three that Juliet and Sirius never had great summers. Once the two were sorted into Gryffindor, their lives went downhill.

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