Recruiting the order

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The past couple of weeks seemed to fly by as the school year came to an end. The sun beamed down on the old castle heating the herbology greenhouse.

Many of the students had already removed robes and some even left them in their dorms. Juliet was thankful that she chose to wear a skirt today instead of trousers.

"This has to be illegal." Huffed out James as he loosened his tie and wiped the sweat for his forehead.

"I know. I can barely function." Sirius groaned as he undid the top bottom of his shirt.

The boy had already dropped his robe, tie, put his hair up and even rolled his sleeves up but nothing was helping.

A Hufflepuff boy opposite the marauders wasn't looking too good.

"Uhh professor, I think he's gonna pass out." Remus warned as the boy began to sway a little.

Just as the scarred boy had mentioned this the Hufflepuff had dropped to the floor with a clash. He had fainted from the heat.

"Oh dear." Professor sprout gasped.

Perhaps McGonagall and Slughorn were right. It was too hot to teach herbology in the greenhouses but it was their last lesson before the holidays.

"I think we'll end the lesson there today. You're all dismissed. I'll take Mr Harris to the hospital wing." The professor announced much to the students relief.


"Thank merlin for that." Juliet sighed in relief as she pushed open the greenhouse door letting the fresh air hit them.

The girl couldn't take it anymore. She had tied her hair up into a high ponytail and had undone her top bottom on her short sleeve shirt but that hadn't helped.

Juliet usually chose against wearing a short sleeve top since the horrors at Wittle manor but since the daily prophet already exposed some of the trauma. And thanks to Marlene, she had managed to talk the girl into wearing what she wanted.

Which after many conversations Juliet saw sense. The whole school knew and the scar wasn't as bad anymore now it healed properly. Madam pomfry had even congratulated the girl on the healing she had performed on herself.

She did still get scared stares and whispers about it but she had bigger things to worry about now.

"Uhh I bet I look so gross." The girl grumbled but Sirius disagreed.

He couldn't help but stare. The way her long stockings finished at her knees, her skirt stopped mid thigh showing off her beauty legs, her shirt was even untucked but he didn't care.

The top button was making his flushed but he couldn't understand why. He had seen her in more revealing clothes. Merlin sake, he has seen her in her underwear.

"Alright there, padfoot?" Smirked James knowingly alongside Remus who shared the same look.

"What? Yeah, why?" Sirius shook his head away from the thoughts that clouded his head.

"Distracted by something?" James smirked.

"Or someone." Added Remus teasingly.

It was true. Sirius was distracted. He was distracted by Juliet in the state she was in.

"You guys coming?" Asked Juliet as she pulled her hair out of her ponytail looking back at the boys over her shoulder.

She looked angelic. Perfect.

"Uhhh, fuck." Sirius grumbled as he felt something fire up inside him.

"Yeah, we'll catch up." James shouted as he wrapped his arm over Sirius' shoulder.

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