Where it all began

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The sun gleaned down on the early September morning. The station was bursting with life muggles flicked between different platforms and trains.

"Every year this place is full of filthy Muggles." Sneered the tall dark haired older man as he guided an older woman and young girl.

The man had tidy dark brown hair. He wore a navy blue suit with a pocket watch chain dangling from its pocket. He seemed an angry man, always sneering at people even his family. The man's name was Elijah Wittle.

"Remember what we said, Juliet. Stay with the Purebloods and Sirius." The older woman ordered as she peered down at the young girl.

The woman had long slicked back Black hair that seemed to merge with her black long dress. The woman screamed higher archery by the way she turned her nose up at others. The woman's name was Cordelia Wittle.

The young girl could only nod silently before following her parents through a brick wall onto Platform 9 3/4. The young girl had long wavy brown hair with bright blue eyes almost contrasting her parents' dark demeaner. The young girl wore a light cream dress. Her name was Juliet Wittle. The girl gasped at the sight of the beautiful big red train that seemed to glisten in the sunlight.

'Hogwarts Express'

"Elijah, how wonderful to see you again. Cordelia, Juliet." An old man with black hair approached the family followed by his own.

The man had short slicked back Black hair and he wore a black suit with a green tie. The man stood tall with a piercing look that almost matched the girl's father. Orion Black was his name.The young girl smiled and waved at the young boy around the same age as the girl. The young boy had neat wavy black hair and beautiful grey eyes. He wore a white shirt that was scruffy and tucked into his black shorts contrasting him from the rest of his family. Sirius Black. And what the girl would call his mini-me was a younger boy, younger than them but almost a spitting image of his brother. He had short Black hair and dressed as neatly as the rest of his family. His name was Regulus Black.

"Walburga, how are you?" Cordelia spoke politely as she looked at the other black-haired woman. The woman was a stern woman with black hair neatly placed in a bun. She wore a dark emerald green dress that screamed at her old Hogwarts house. Her name was Walburga Black.

"Just wonderful, dear. Is Juliet ready for school?" Asked the other woman as she glanced down at the young girl.

An ear-piercing whistle screeched down the platform causing the families to break from their conversations and pull their children to the side.

"You listen to me now, girl." Elijah spoke sternly to his daughter.

"You are to write to us immediately notifying us of your house. You stay with Purebloods." He pointed his index finger threateningly at the young girl who nodded gently.

"Now, off you go." Cordelia spoke ushering the child away without a goodbye or a hug. The young girl approached the young boy that stood waiting and followed him onto the train."You okay?" Juliet asks gently noticing the boy's dull expression.

"What if we're not sorted into Slytherin?" Sirius said barely above a whisper causing Juliet to smile and take his hand.

"We'll be okay. We'll stick together." Juliet smiled encouragingly at the boy causing him to smile.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go find a compartment." The boy said returning to his confident self before leading the girl down the hallway as the train began to move forward.


"Sirius, let's just ask these lot if we can share with them?" Juliet huffed tugging Sirius to a stop.The boy looked towards the compartment that the girl had indicated. The compartment had three young boys around their age.

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