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The screams came again more panicked, more desperate. James couldn't breathe as he watched Juliet dive into the tent before re-emerging with her wand in hand. Peter paled as a howl was heard.

"It's not a full moon." Peter squeaked out as he chewed his finger nails.

Sirius shared a glance with Juliet before she bolted into the forest towards the screams for help. Sirius was the next to follow picking his jacket up from the floor that Juliet had dropped in her panic.

"Come on wormtail." James called before chasing after the other two teens with wand in hand too.

Peter was grounded for a second before groaning and running to catch up with the raven haired boy.

"Why we running towards the danger?" Peter called as he struggled to keep up with the physical more fitter teens.

Juliet was going as fast as her legs could physical carry her. She ducked a low hanging branch.


A light protuded from her wand erging the other teens to follow suit in order to see where they were going.

"Jul!" Sirius called as he ran through a bush fighting against the branches that grapsed at his leather jacket holding him back.

"Reducto!" Sirius called irritated causing the bush to disappear into a pile of black dust.

He froze as his breathe caught in his throat. James skidded to a stop beside his best friend terrified.

Fenrir Greyback. The cause of Remus' nightmares. The cause of his condition. The werewolf that has attacked him at the age of 5 years old was now crawling above the terrified boy.

Remus felt like he was having a heart attack. His heart was beating so fast he was sure Greyback could hear it. Remus couldn't breathe yet he gasped like he was taking his last breathe. He was going to die.

Greyback snarled at the boy with a smirk. He dung his sharp nails into the boy's shoulder causing him to scream.

Juliet didn't stop running though like her friends. No. She charged towards the werewolf before turning into her animgus form.

"Jul!!" Screamed James and Sirius in fear.

Sirius tried to run to get the girl but James clutched at his friend pulling him back. Sirius felt his eyes filling up. Peter covered his eyes preparing to hide from the horrific scene that was about to play out Infront of their eyes.

The brown large dog pounced at the werewolf with all of her might knocking Greyback off the terrified boy. The two tumbled and rolled across the rough ground before Juliet kicked with her hind legs throwing the man off of her.

She clambered to her feet panting for breathe as she turned back fully clothed. Sirius couldn't breathe as James let go of the boy letting him drop to his knees in relief.

"Moony." James begged as he skidded beside the boy onto the floor.

Remus was gapsing for breathe as James pulled him towards him engulfing him in a hug.

"Wormtail help me." James demanded as he began to attempt to pull the scarred boy to his feet with the help of Peter.

Remus' legs were weak and shaking. Anyone would've thought they would give way any second.

Juliet held her wand in her hand tightly never taking her eyes off the man the growled angrily as he rose to his feet.

"Wittle." He growled through gritted teeth.

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