His mark

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The usual bustling hallways were silent as the three crept through to school. The only sound was their echoing footsteps as they headed down towards the Slytherin common room.

Sirius followed behind the Slytherin boy with the brunette by his side. He was silently begging that this was all some sort of nightmare. That he would wake up in his dorm if he pinched himself hard enough. But the pit of his stomach knew this was happening.

Juliet could sense sirius' tense body and his worry and possibly fear. He had just been told his baby brother was a death eater. Someone who he would eventually have to fight if he chose to fight in this war.

The three teens came to a stop as the Slytherin boy mumbled the password to enter the common room to ensure the Gryffindors couldn't use it later throughout the year.

"After you?" Suggested Avery as the portrait swung open revealing a dark and dingy stairwell.

Sirius chewed his tongue anxiously. He had tried everything to avoid seeing this common room. The house his family had been sorted into for generations. Juliet sensed Sirius hesitation.

"I'll go first." Juliet sighed, after all this was not her first venture into the dark house.

"What? No, what if it's a trap?" Sirius asked as he grabbed the girl's wrist before shooting Avery a glare.

He could never trust Avery. The boy surely had a personality disorder as he went from hating the brunette girl beside him to loving her.

"If it was a trap why wouldn't I have done something in the astronomy tower?" Avery asked as he folded his arms annoyed.

This one good deed had turned into one nightmare. Not only was he betraying everything and everyone. He had to deal with Sirius Orion Black.

"I'll be fine. This isn't my first rodeo." Juliet stated as she pulled her wrist from the other marauders hand before taking a deep breath and disappearing down the stairs.

The stairs seemed to never end as she finally hit the final one as she entered the gloomy green common room that was dimly lit by candle light.

The face of her parents appeared in her head, the sound of their screaming threats.  The common room reminded her too much of her old house.

Sirius felt his breathe hitch too at the sight of the common room. The old halls of grimmualds place filled his mind as he stood beside the girl before gently taking her hand causing her to look up at the boy.

Sirius tried to give the girl a reassuring smile but he felt so uneasy. Two Gryffindors in the Slytherin common room was a recipe for murder.

"Wait here I'll go get him." Avery stated sternly as he disappeared into one of the dark coves in the wall.

The two teens stood in silence as their eyes danced around the room. The common room was the complete opposite to theirs. It was cold, dark, dingy and boring compared to the Gryffindor warm, bright and joyful common room.

"It's a bit ironic isn't it?" Sirius muttered as he glanced to the girl on his left.

"What?" Juliet asked confused by Sirius random question.

"Well, we did everything in our power to stay away from this fate yet we just willingly walked right into the common room." Sirius explained as he picked up a small gift that was wrapped in the most beautiful green wrapping paper before shaking it.

"We're doing this for Reg." Juliet stated as she watched the boy place the small parcel down as he sighed.

"We were too late." Sirius grumbled angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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