I'm in!

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The students never left. All concerned for the boy that laid on the floor. Never had they seen a spell like that. Juliet glanced backwards to see how bad it was and it was bad.

"Go." Was all Sirius had to say for the girl to sprint towards the boy skidding to a stop at his side.

"Move." She ordered as lily moved over as she began to cry.

She glanced at the Slytherin boy in fear as tears streamed down her face. She looked down at the blood on her hands shaking.

"James. James. look at me." Juliet begged as she ripped open his shirt trying to figure out what was happening to him.

James couldn't speak. He kept coughing and jolting as the blood seeped onto the floor. Remus had tried a few simple healing spells he had learnt for a full moon but nothing was working.

"What did you do?" Sneered Sirius as he grabbed the Slytherins robe in fury.

The slytherin boy seemed just as shocked as the rest of them as he shook in fear.

"What spell was that?!" Screamed Juliet in panic as she performed another healing spell but it didn't work.

James' body seemed to be growing paler and paler by the second like he was being drained of his blood. Marlene had arrived at the scene and gasped in horror.

"Get lily out of here." Remus ordered, he believed she shouldn't have to see this.

The blonde immediately grabbed the girl pulling her up and back but she fought against her. She couldn't leave him there like this.

Juliet jumped to her feet grabbing Snape's robes pulling his face towards her as she seethed out.

"What spell!"

"I-i-i-i created it." Snape stuttered out, he couldn't believe it worked.

"Reverse it then." Sneered Sirius sternly but Snape just shook his head.

"What do you mean no?!" Growled Sirius angrily ready to kill the boy.

He couldn't watch his friend like this. He was dying right in front of them. Remus continued to try different healing spells but nothing was working and Peter was taking forever.

"I don't know how." Cried out Snape in worry.

He never wanted to kill the boy. Hurt him, yes but never kill him. His heart ached seeing lily in this much pain as she cried while Marlene pulled her away.

Juliet dropped the boys robe before dropping to james' side. There was one spell Juliet had never performed. She had been working on it for months but never had the chance to try it out. And the girl was running out of ideas.

If she didn't act quick she could lose James and she was not gonna let that happen.

Juliet dropped her wand and placed her hands on James chest. She closed her eyes and focused trying to block out all the noise around her.

"Da mihi dolorem suum." Juliet muttered as she began to feel a piercing pain like hot knifes tingle over her body.

It was working.

Some of the blood began to seep back into james body causing him to gain a little bit of colour and stop jolting in pain.

Juliets shirt began to turn red as she took the pain from james' body. Her eyebrows scrunched up in pain as she tried to focus. Trying to take more of the pain.

"Jul." Sirius panicked as he watched both of his best friends in pain.

The pain Juliet took allowed James to relax but it reminded her of that night. She tried to push the flashbacks away.

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