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The birds began to sing loudly causing Sirius to groan as he buried his head under his pillow trying to block it.

The events of last night still sat fresh in his head. Seeing his cousin again, the idea of an unforgivable curse again and the fact he got blamed again.

He groaned into the mattress before reaching out for the young girl next to him. He remember her following after him, trying to comfort him. She had told him it wasnt his fault, he knew it wasnt but to hear her say it, hit different.

When his hand hit the soft mattress instead of the girl he felt a little further before pulling his head from under the pillow. The bed was empty apart from him. The boy looked around the room to see if the girl was anywhere to be seen but to his dismay, she wasnt there.

Sirius sat up thinking hard on where the girl could be. She often woke the group up. That was until he saw a folded piece of parchment on the pillow next to him.

I've gone to tell Dumbledore about what happened last night. It's the right thing to do. Dont worry, I wont tell him about anyone else there.


Sirius reread the small note over and over again before it finally sunk it. He grabbed the pillow next to him lobbing it at the speckled boys bed opposite. The pillow hit the boy hard startling him.

"Prongs!" Sirius called loudly waking Peter and Remus in the process as he dived out of bed tugging his black Jean's on as fast as he possibly could.

"What? What time is it?" Grumbled james as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"It doesnt matter. Juls gone to Dumbledore!" Sirius stated in his panic as he shoved his shoes on and grabbed a shirt running to grab James' clothes.

"What?!" James dived out of bed now realising why the boy was so panicked and running around like a maniac.

The possibility of the girl getting expelled were very high. James couldnt help but worry. He didnt want to get expelled and he definitely didnt want Juliet to either.

"Moony, wormtail! Wake up!" James shouted loudly as he shoved his glasses on his face as Sirius sprinted towards the door and down the stairs.

"Hmm, what?" Hummed remus half asleep still as he looked over at the boy confused.

"Meet us in the great hall! Juls gone to Dumbledore!" James stated causing Remus to wake up almost immediately.

"Is she alright?" He asked worried as James stopped at the door looking back.

"We dont know." James sighed truthfully before closing the door behind him and following Sirius.


"So, go over it again for me?" Asked Dumbledore for the third time causing Juliet to sigh.

She couldn't help but think this was a test to see if she would still tell the same story each time.

"I saw some death eaters in the forbid-" juliet began to explain again but was cut off by the professor.

"Tea?" He offered as he waved a floating teapot over causing Juliet to watch wide eyed.

"No, I'm okay." Juliet dragged the words out confused as to why the Hogwarts headmaster wasnt worried.

"You sure? Helps with the nerves I find." Dumbledore stated as he poured two cups of tea anyway.

"You know I have this remarkable story about when I had tea with-" the professor began to go off.

"I'm sorry, professor but I dont see how this has anything to do with the death eaters." Juliet muttered out quietly and confused.

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