Your Head Boy?!

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The marauders hadn't mentioned that night since departing from Marlene's home. Peter was too scared to even think about it. So was Remus because it would make it real again. The werewolf haunted the boy's dreams more than usual. Sirius and Juliet hadn't mentioned anything from that night, especially the kiss. In fact, after that night Juliet mentioned staying with Marlene for the rest of the holiday escaping Sirius.

Of course, James was extremely suspicious of this behaviour as Sirius didn't complain, in fact Sirius had encouraged it saying that some girl time would do her good. Mia had questioned the girl worried she didn't like staying with them. But Juliet had just said she wanted some girl time and Mia caved letting the girl go.

Now, the Potter family waited on platform 9 3/4 for their daughter before putting their sons on the train for their last year at Hogwarts.

"Come on just tell me." James begged quietly as he stood next to the black haired boy as he scanned the platform.

"Tell you what?" Hissed Sirius as he started to get annoyed with the boys constant questioning.

It had been happening since Juliet left to stay at Marlenes but as Hogwarts final year grew closer James odd questioning became a constant thing. For as long as James could remember Juliet and Sirius were practically attached at the hip. They didn't go anywhere without the other. 

"What's going on between you and Juliet?" James asked once again determined to get the boy to slip up.

"There she is!" Beamed Mia happily as she relaxed her shoulders knowing that the girl was indeed safe.

"Holy shit." James gawked earning a slap around the back of the head from his mother causing sirius to laugh before freezing.

The busy platform seemed to slow down as his grey eyes landed in the brunette girl. He was fixated. He couldn't move.

Juliet strutted down the platform next to the blonde girl she had been staying with. Juliet seemed to have gotten more stunning if that was even possible. She walked with such confidence that she had never had before and pure bloods were taught to walk with their head highs from the second they could walk.

Her features seemed more defined or the lightening of the platform did wonders as her cheekbones sculptured her face. Her collar bone exposed due to the low cut top she was wearing. Her hourglass figure. Her blue eyes lit up with joy at the sight of her friends.

She started to jog towards the boys but Sirius was locked in a trace. The way her brunette wavy hair bounced and floated in the wind. His thoughts went back to that night. Her pressed against him. Her hands in his hair.

James immediately caught the girl in his arms engulfing her in a tight hug laughing as they both stumbled backwards onto the floor with a crash gaining the attention of many on the platform.

Mia smiled politely at the people before chuckling at her children. Her and her husband shared a pleased and relieved look seeing them all safe once again.

"Did you miss me?" James questioned as Juliet climbed off of him.

"Of course I did." Juliet beamed before turning to look at Sirius.

"Hi pads." Juliet offered a smile breaking Sirius from his trace as James elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ow!" Sirius coughed as he held his ribs befor clearing his throat trying to play it off.

"Hi pup." Sirius took a deep breathe before hugging the girl which was a huge mistake.

The kiss replayed in his head again he knew he would have to pull apart before his mind thought deeper but paused.

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