Mending a broken bond

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The speckled boy glared cautiously at the blonde boy who was sneering at the girl with a sickening smirk.

"Get off her, Malfoy." Warned james through gritted teeth as he adjusted his hold on his wand.

"Stay out of this Bloodtraitor!" Spat Mulicber at James as he backed the speckled boy up.

"You know the dark lord wants you." Lucius whispered in the girls ear causing her to shiver.

"Its not too late. Become pure again." Lucius smirked but Juliet could see the fear behind his eyes.

He was just as afraid of the dark lord as Juliet was. If not, more. But Juliet had perfected her confident persona as she leant forward getting in malfoys face.

"Never." Sneered Juliet causing Malfoy to freeze for a moment not knowing what to do.

That was until Mulicber groaned in annoyance before grabbing the brunette and tossing her to the floor harshly.

"Hey!" Avery warned as he lowered his wand on the other marauders.

"What?" Smirked Mulciber as he kicked juliet's wand away from her as she watched it roll away hopelessly.

"You're all too soft on her. I'll teach her a lesson." Mulciber sneered evily causing James and Remus to try to get to the girl but the older slytherins pushed them back.

"Oi! Picking on girls are you. Just when I thought you couldnt stoop any lower." Sneered sirius as he confidently walked towards Mulciber with a challenging look.

"Sirius." Juliet smiled happily causing her blue eyes to connect with his grey ones for a second.

A warm feeling filled the boy when he noticed how happy she was to see him. That's when he knew he was wrong moments ago. She didnt hate him. She couldnt. She loved him too much for that. And he loved her too.

The marauders smiled happily when noticing the boy as he stood protectively infront of the brunette on the floor.

"Black. Still chasing the same pathetic crush." Mulciber sneered back as the others watched the stand off.

Sirius didnt back down, he didnt break eye contact. He wore his usually cocky unfazed smirk intimidating Mulciber by how relaxed he was.

Sirius looked Mulciber up and down in disgust before scoffing a laugh before grabbing juliet's arm pulling her up next to him.

"What? Too scared to duel me?" Asked Mulciber with a smirk causing Sirius to walk to the other marauders.

"No, you're just not worth my time." Sirius shrugged as he pushed Juliet into Remus who pulled her to him.

Remus and Sirius shared an understanding look before Sirius gave james the same one. They all agreed to look after Juliet since discovering her trauma from the Wittle manor.

"Come on, paws." Remus muttered as he began to step backwards.

"Oh no, you dont." Mulicber sneered raising his wand at the scarred boy and the girl.

"Reducto!" Fired Mulicber firing a spell at the two.

Before Remus had chance to raise his wand the spell was blocked at the black haired boy jumped infront wand raised.

"Black, get out the way!" Mulicber spat as the two commenced in a tense glaring contest.

Sirius quickly fired a spell send Mulciber flying backwards into Malfoy and another slytherin knocking them to the floor.

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