Secrets revealed

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"Miss Wittle, take a seat." Ordered the older witch as she shut her office door.

The brunette listened and sat down facing the professors seat as Mcgonagall took her seat looking at the girl with a sad smile.

"How was your holidays?" Asked Mcgonagall with a knowing look causing the girl to sigh.

The professor had heard whispers from the slytherin house about a certain brunette pureblood Gryffindor that had been disowned.

"You know, dont you?" Asked the brunette as her blue eyes met the professors gentle ones.

"I've heard whispers." Informed the professor causing the girl to sigh.

"Is it true?" Asked Mcgonagall curiously as she looked over the girl noticing how weak and tired she looked.

"Yes." Muttered juliet causing the professors shoulders to drop sadly but sigh in relief.

"Thank merlin. At last your out of that God forsaken household. Where have you been staying?" Asked the older witch curiously.

"Uh-- the leaky cauldron." Mumbled juliet quietly causing the witch to only just hear her.

"The leaky cauldron? You didnt go to potters or lupins?" Asked Mcgonagall shocked.

The older witch knew both household would happily take the girl in with open arms and couldnt understand why she hadnt gone.

"I didnt want to burden them." Juliet mumbled again causing the professor to smile sadly.

"Well, I'm afraid you cant remain at the leaky cauldron through summer." Mcgonagall said causing the girl to sigh but nod.

"I know." Juliet stated the girl sadly.

"So, where do you plan on staying?" Asked Mcgonagall curiously.

"I dont know but I'll figure it out." Juliet gave the professor a small smile causing the woman to nod.

"I know you will." Mcgonagall smiled as she stood up.

The older woman reached into her desk pulling out a tin before opening it and offering it to the girl.

"Biscuit, Wittle?" Asked the woman with a warm smile causing the girl to smile.

"I'm okay thank you." Smiled juliet politely causing the woman to nod and out the biscuit tin away.

"You're free to go." Mcgonagall stated as she took her seat letting the brunette to head to the door.

"Oh and Miss Wittle?" Called Mcgonagall causing the girl to pause for a moment looking back at her professor.

"Might I recommend something to eat and some rest or you'll find yourself visiting poppy." Mcgonagall reccomend causing the girl to nod before leaving the office.


"Pads, slow down!" Called james as the three other boys raced behind the angry dark haired boy.

"Password?" Asked the fat lady.

"Chivalry." Ordered Sirius causing the portrait to swing open as he stormed in.

The common room was filled with many Gryffindor students chatting, doing homework and laughing. Sirius' grey eyes scanned the room angrily before landing on the brunette girl who sat by the fire.

He stormed towards the girl who looked up with a small smile before noticing the boy's furious face.

"Why didnt you tell me?!" Snapped sirius angrily causing the girl to furrow her eyebrows in confusion before glancing at the other boys.

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