The escape of Wittle Manor

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"Juliet!!" Screeched her mothers high pitched voice as she burst into the girls bedroom causing the girl to whip around in shock.

"Look at you! You're not ready. Shower now!" Ordered the strict woman as she slammed the door.

Juliet gently placed her bag on the floor before her mother grabbed her wrist harshly dragging her to her bathroom.

"Get in now!" Snapped the woman as the shower turned on causing the woman to leave while the girl undressed.

Juliet was already missing the lovely cozy home of the Potters. Nevertheless the girl climbed in the shower washing her hair and gently washing her body careful of the marks and bruises that littered her skin.

"Hurry up, girl!" Snapped her mother causing the girl to climb out of the shower and wrap a towel around her body as she pulled on some underwear.

She exited the bathroom where her mother immediately waved her hand causing the girls hair to dry immediately in its waves.

"How can you be so irresponsible?" The woman tutted angrily to herself as she ordered the girl into her dress.

"I can dress myself." Muttered juliet as her mother helped the girl into a long black corset dress.

It was known by the marauders that the girl despised formal wear. Just like the boys. The dress was the girls nightmare. The girl was roughly forced into the dress by the harsh hands of her mother.

The girl glared at the dress in the mirror as her mother gripped the strings of the corset tightly before yanking them without warning causing the girl to gasp as the tight restraints squished her ribs.

"Tonight, you will act like a proper young lady. Do you understand me?!" Ordered the woman as she glared at the girl in the mirror.

Juliet rolled her eyes at the woman causing her to pull the strings again causing the girls hand to grip her waist as she tried to breathe.

"I can't breathe." The girl gasped out as she looked at her mothers green eyes.

"Tough." The woman smirked as she tied the strings tightly at the girls lower back.

The woman roughly grabbed the girls hair before pulling and twirling part of the girls hair so half of her hair was twirled perfectly while the rest flowed down.

The woman immediately began to apply mascara to the girl and lipstick before forcing the girl into a pair of black heels.

"Done. Downstairs now!" Ordered the woman as she herself exited the room head held high leaving the girl.

Juliet stood infront of the mirror a few moments longer as she grimaced at her reflection. The black dress had no sleeves and no straps. The dress had a corset around the bust and flowed down from the waist. Everything was wrong with the dress. The colours, the design, the whole night was wrong.

So when the girl heard a knock at the front door echo throughout the house she took a deep breathe. Well, what she could get of a deep breathe before making her way downstairs for a long night.


The night was now in full swing. The ballroom where the party was being held was now bursting with Purebloods. The men all stood together chatting about future plans for their children, jobs and pureblood business as Elijah called it. The woman stood in their own groups sipping wine as they gossips about new betrothals and betrayals.

"Wow, well dont you look like a pureblood." An amused voice came from beside the young brunette girl.

The girl had chosen her spot at the back of the ballroom near the drinks section closer to the door. In order to drink her sorrows away without her parents knowing and could easily escape if need be.

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