Sleepless nights

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The rest of the holiday flew by. James and Sirius had spent the holiday coming up with new prank idea for the rest of the next term. Remus had spent the holidays catching up on some reading and resting after the full moon. Peter spent it seeing family members.

And Juliet, well Juliet spent it working at the leaky cauldron. All she did was help collect glasses and clean tables in order to pay expenses for her room.


It soon came around to returning back to Hogwarts. The platform was bursting with life as parents rushed their children on to the train for the last part of the school year.

On the train, in the usually compartment Remus had sat by the window waiting for his friends to arrive, getting some more reading done when the compartment door slid open.

"Alright Moony." Smiled the brunette but the scarred boy gasped.

The brunette girl was still as pale as Christmas eve if not even more. She left her hair to flow down covering the now healing wound on her head. She wore one of Remus' woolly sweaters that she had pinched in order to help cover her arm and any other wounds visible. Remus scanned over the girl noticing the large bags under her eyes and how skinny she had become.

"Jul." Remus gasped in horror as the girl shut the door and sat opposite to the boy near the window.

Of course, since the incident Juliet had lost most of her appetite and only ate when extremely hungry and had barely slept in order to avoid the night terrors that haunted her dreams.

Before the boy could say anything else the compartment door slid open revealing peter who had his arms full of sweets smiling.

"Hey!" Peter smiled cheerfully before noticing the girl and how ill she looked.

"You okay, paws?" Asked peter worried as he sat down next to Remus.

"Oh yeah, I'm just tired." The girl offered a fake smile.

Peter smiled weakly as did Remus not really believing the girl. Peter grabbed two bars of chocolate before offering one to each of his friends who took them with a smile.

Remus opened the bar taking a bite as Juliet fiddled with it in her hands causing the boys to raise their eyebrows.

"You not hungry as well?" Asked Remus concerned causing the girl to smile and open it and pick a bit off before putting it in her mouth.

"Thanks pete." She smiled before turning to look out the window at the platform.

The two boys shared a worried looked before hearing a bark like laugh and the loud voice of James and Sirius. The compartment slid open revealing james who looked annoyed and sirius who couldn't help but laugh.

"You just missed it ahaha We came across Evan's haha and- and merlin. She said shes rather date the a house elf instead of Prongs!" Laughed Sirius hysterically causing James to throw himself next to the girl crossing his arms.

"She doesnt mean it." James grumbled to the girl but the girl paid no attention causing James to look at the girl.

He noticed the state she was in immediately becoming immensely worried and kicking Sirius.

"Ow! What was that for?" Sirius asked as he rubbed his shin as he sat opposite the speckled boy.

James nodded his head towards the girl causing Sirius' eyes to widen at the state she was in.

"Bloody hell you look like shit, pup." Sirius blurted out without thinking causing the girl to give him weak smile.

"Well you dont look too bad yourself." The girl joked back half heartedly.

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