Full moon

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The scarred boy wasnt his usual self. The boy had grown paler over the last week upon the arrival of the full moon which was tonight.

"Moony, stop worrying. We'll be fine." James shrugged unbothered as he continue to flick through his latest quidditch news.

"I'm just saying if I get too hard to handle just leave, okay?" Remus said again as he looked over all of his friends worried.

The boy knew how unpredictable he could be in his werewolf state and would hate to be the reason for his friends to get hurt.

"Sure, whatever." Sirius shrugged as he threw an apple out of his hand again as he laid on his back.

"Hey boys." Juliet smiled as she entered the boys dorm almost immediately noticing the atmosphere in the room.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked worried as the door closed behind her.

"Moony here is worried about tonight." Sirius said as he nodded his head towards the scarred boy who sat on his bed.

"You'll be okay, Moony. We wont let you hurt yourself. I wont let you get hurt." The girl smiled warmly as she sat next to the scarred boy on his bed.

"That's what I worried about. What if I hurt you or the boys? It's my worst nightmare. I--I dont--cant let anything happen to you lot." Remus stutted anxiously.

The boy had many nightmares through his years that he and his condition would be the cause of his friends deaths or he would turn them.

"We'll be okay. There is four of us. We'll have a good night looking after you." The girl smiled as she pulled the scarred boy into a hug causing him to sigh.

The girl had always had a calm atmosphere around her helping people calm down.

"See Moony. Paws is right." James said as he put his magazine down and looked at the two who had pulled away.

"Oy Gorgeous, we've not done your height. Come on." Sirius stated as he made his way over to the door frame to the bathroom.

The marauders had started a height chart in their first year in order to keep track of who the tallest was. Currently, the scarred boy was the tallest much to James and Sirius dismay.

"Why? I probably havent grown." The girl groaned.

The girl was one of the smallest marauders. It was often between her and peter but over the summer Peter seemed to grown slightly taller while the girl gained her curves.

"Cant break traditions." James called causing the others to laugh as the girl put her back to the frame while Sirius watched with a marker the muggleborn red haired had given him.

"Stop slouching." Sirius said as he stepped towards the girl causing her to roll her eyes.

"Yes dad." The girl rolled her eyes causing Sirius to smirk.

"If you wanted to call me Daddy you should of said so." Sirius flirted earning a flick to the cheek from the girl while james laughed.

"Hey, you've grown." Sirius smiles as he makes a mark causing the girl to turn and look up.

"I'm still small though." The girl pouted causing Sirius to smile.

The black haired boy always found that when the girl pouted she looked extremely cute.

"I think you're the perfect height." Sirius smiles as leant down to wrap his arms around the girls waist.

"Will you two get a room!" Called James earning a pillow to be thrown his way by Sirius causing the speckled boy to laugh.

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