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"Why you sleeping in here?" Juliet asked confused as she watched James unpack his trunk like normal.

Everyone knew that Head Boy and Head girl got a separate dorm. They had access to prefect showers which were amazing. The marauders had been using Remus and his prefect powers to use them too. Now James and Remus had access making it easier for the group.

"This is my dorm." James stated like it was obvious.

"But you're head boy now. You got your own dorm." Peter stated confused as he looked at the other teens.

"Yeah with Evans." Added Sirius with a smirk causing James to tense up.

"It's hard enough acting cool when she talks to me but being in the same dorm. No way. I'll lose it!" James exclaimed causing the teens to burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" James whined especially as Juliet could barely breathe.

"Lily is doing the exact same thing." The girl wheezed put causing James eyes to light up slightly.

"So, anyway. Pup where you sleeping tonight?" Sirius asked intrigued.

He knew where he wanted her to sleep tonight but he couldn't just say to her he wanted her next to him in bed.

"Probably with the girls tonight. Catch up with them properly. But don't worry you all can't escape me that easily. I will return" Juliet exclaimed dramatically as she thre the boys dorm door open closing it dramatically causing Remus to chuckle.

Within a second of the girl being gone, James practically attacked sirius tackling his to the floor.


"Tell me!" James exclaimed as he pinned the boy to the floor causing Remus and Peter to share a confused look.

"Tell you what." Sirius squirmed under the other boy annoyed.

"You gasped on the train!" James stated the obvious.

"He forgot his ACDC shirt, didn't he?" Peter questiones confused by the other boys rabid behaviour.

"What's that in his trunk then?" James smirked causing the other two to look to the the shirt in question.

"Oh you must of packed it." Peter smiled nicely knowing that Sirius loved the shirt.

"You wasn't thinking about your shirt on the train?" Smirked Remus as he caught on what James was trying to say before Sirius did to.

"No. Drop it." Sirius stated as he pushed for James to get off the boy as he climbed to his feet.

"You were thinking about a certain brunette blue eyed girl, wasn't you?" Smirked James as he too climbed to his feet as he crossed his arms.

"I was not thinking about Paws." Sirius fired defensively as he pointed at James.

James burst out laughing before high fiving Remus causing Sirius to furrow his brows confused.

"We never mentioned Juliet. There are a lot of brunette blue eyed girls in school." Remus stated causing Sirius to groan.

They had caught him out. He had been thinking about Juliet. He had been thinking about everything to do with her. The kiss, their friendship, how she makes him feel. Everything.

"Okay, fine. You win! I was thinking about her!" Fired Sirius annoyed as he threw himself onto his bed dramatically.

James and Remus shared a look before approaching the boys bed. The two stared down at the boy who looked lost.

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