Death eater parents

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After the mishap on halloween night the marauders went back to their usual mischief. After all, the professor seemed to forget about the incident all together so why shouldn't the teens try.

"Go!" Laughed james as he barged through a group of Ravenclaws that were casually socializing in the halls of hogwarts.

"Run wormtail!" Encourage sirius who looked back at the slower boy who looked like who was about to pass out.

"Come back here you miscreants!' Screamed filch angrily as he caused after the group.

His body was covered in green slime from head to toe and mrs Norris who was running along side filch had been dyed a rather fluorescent pink.

"Turn left!" Shouted juliet as she followed James down the hall as they came to a junction.

James quickly skidded left before looking over his shoulder as peter finally gave up on running in result getting caught by the angry caretaker.

"Wormy!" Whined james as he crashed into a tall body causing the person to stumble backwards and himself to fall on the hard dusty floor.

Juliet, who was also too busy looking behind her had heard the boy fall but was too late to stop and tripped over the boy landing on him. Sirius too had come round the corner just seconds behind Juliet crashed into the two on the floor landing in the pile.

"Ow." Groaned james who laid at the bottom of the pile as he glared at the two on top of him.

"Thanks for cushioning my fall." Sirius chuckled as Juliet shoved him as hard as she could off of her.

"Get off. You're squashing me!" Whined juliet to black haired boy.

The person who James had run into angrily folded their arms glaring down at the three squabbling before clearing their throat gaining the tries attention.

"Mcgonagall?!" James had gasped before using all his strength to shove the teens off of him before scrabbling to his feet.

The other two teens quickly followed pursuit just as filch rounded the corner with peter by the collar of his school shirt.

"Professor. Have you seen what they done?" Filch immediately began to complain causing Sirius to roll his eyes.

"They have dyed my poor Mrs Norris pink." He commented as he let go of the boy before showing the professor his cat.

"I think she looks fantastic." Juliet mumbled causing the professor to shoot the teens a look at they began chuckling quietly.

"I know which ones it was. It was them three. I watched them do it before they slimed me, mam." Filch continued to ramble on.

"This one. This one was an accomplice." He sneered as he pinched Peter's ear which caused him to squirm.

"Thank you Mr filch. I can take it from here." Professor Mcgonagall sighed causing filch to open his mouth but be cut off.

"Dont worry, I ensure you they will receive the proper punishment." The older woman added calmly.

This caused the old caretaker to smirk happily before he sneered at the teens. He quickly scooped his cat into his arms before staggering off to his office to clean off leaving a trail on slime like a slug.

"Mr Pettigrew, I am extremely ashamed on your behalf. 10 points will be taken from Gryffindor and I expect you to join professor sprout in detention this evening." Mcgonagall spoke calm but sternly which in peters mind made her seem even scarier.

He bowed his head ashamed before nodding as he fiddled with his fingers. If only he had run faster.

"You may go." Mcgonagall waved the boy off before turning to the three culprits.

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